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Author Topic: Sport Shot Condition  (Read 1545 times)


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Sport Shot Condition
« on: March 17, 2004, 12:09:40 AM »
Hey Everybody,

I will be bowling in my first sport shot league hopefully this summer.  Any recommendations for which balls will work the best.  See my profile for my specs.  I currently own the following:

Phenom: 4 x 4 3/8, Stacked Leverage, x-hole one PAP, MB near thumb
Freak Out: 4.5 x 3.5, MB kicked out towards VAL, x-hole near PAP
Threat: 4 x 4, leverage, x-hole near PAP
TPC Shooter XL: can't remember specifics but MB down and to right of thumb, around 4 o'clock, cg is below midline abit and kicked out about 1/2 to 1 inch, no x-hole.
Dry Heat: I know I won't use this for a sport shot league
Mutant: (not drilled yet, however it was given to me and is marked as a blem, cg and Pin less than 1" apart.)
Havoc: Haven't bought yet, however Chuck Gardner told me to lay it out 5 x 5.5

Any suggestions?  Super Freak vs. Animal vs Unleashed

Thank You in advance for any/all suggestions

Virginia Beach

1. Phenom
2. Freak Out
3. Threat

Edited on 3/17/2004 4:04 PM


Mr Track

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Re: Sport Shot Condition
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2004, 03:16:28 PM »

Where do you want the sf/animal/unleashed in your lineup?

The phenom, mutant, freak out and dry heat together on sports shots is a deadly combo as is.

Chuck likes his skid drillings...( howdy Chuck!)
it doesn't take an average to win in match play!


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Re: Sport Shot Condition
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2004, 03:35:37 PM »
Mr. Track,

Thanks for the info.  I'm not necessarliy looking for a new ball.  I just know from what I have heard and read that sport shot conditions are tougher than the usual house patter.  I justed wanted confirmation that what I currently own will do the job.  If someone thinks that something else will work then I would take that into consideration.  I am fortunate enough to have had Chuck instruct me before he moved.  I am also gratefule when he and Del had their seminar last fall.  He has seen me bowl and we made all those layouts based on my ability.  Unfortunately he moved to Charlotte and I will be moving back to Pennsylvania.
I still haven't decided what I want the Mutant to do yet, so therefore I am just playing the waiting game for now.  If you think the current line-up I have will do the trick then I will give it a go and make adjustments after throwing a few games.  What can I expect from a sport shot league??  Are they truly flooded from gutter to gutter.  Any other info would be great.  Thanks Track for giving me the best equipment for my game.

Thank You in advance again for all response!
Virginia Beach

1. Phenom
2. Freak Out
3. Threat


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Re: Sport Shot Condition
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2004, 03:47:36 PM »
Hi there Brian,             Pardon my ignorance but, who is Chuck Gardner? I live in Charlotte. Has he moved to town yet, is he bowling somewhere? Just curious. Any input appreciated.....

THANKS and take care,   Jeff

My experience on a "Sport Shot", it goes where (and how) you throw it.....


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Re: Sport Shot Condition
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2004, 04:01:59 PM »
Hi Jeff,

Not a problem...Chuck is a member of Tracks Staff.  He is the Eastern Region Account Manager.  He has also bowled on Tour.  He moved to Charlotte last year and I believe he manages a pro-shop in Raleigh.  He travels quite a bit. (Not sure if he is bowling in a league, I do kknow he tries to make a couple of regional events.) I met him last year while he still lived in the Virginia Beach/Chesapeake region, when I was looking for a coach.  I met Del Warren last year thanks to Chuck.  They had a seminar here and I went.  Very informative.  Del really knows his stuff.  It was a pleasure having Del work with me.  Any time I get a new ball or am thinking of buying a new ball, I usually run it past Chuck and get his feedback.  He has made a tremendous difference in my approach to the game.  I now have a better understanding of my physical game, and that of the equipment I throw. (I have a better understanding on layouts, pin/MB placement, what I'm looking for in ball get the point.)  If you have any ??? I believe he is still listed on Track's website and they have a link there for his e-mail address.  Any questions you have about Track's equipment he is the one to ask.  Good Luck.  Hope this helps!
Virginia Beach

1. Phenom
2. Freak Out
3. Threat

Edited on 3/17/2004 4:57 PM


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Re: Sport Shot Condition
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2004, 04:11:01 PM »
Brian,       THANKS for the lengthy response. I will ask my driller (Leon Lamm) if he knows him. Again THANKS.....



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Re: Sport Shot Condition
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2004, 04:15:58 PM »

Your Welcome!  
Best of Luck!
Virginia Beach

1. Phenom
2. Freak Out
3. Threat

Mr Track

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Re: Sport Shot Condition
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2004, 04:22:49 PM »

You should casually ask your league director and find out what kind out shots your going to be seeing.  Usually you get a mix of patterns, so you never know.

Your line up is great for the variety of shots that could come out.  Wait a few weeks into the league, you never know what your going to see, so judge your equipment from what you see on the lanes.

If anything, I would suggest drilling that Havoc.

Heavy/long = Phenom
Heavy-Med = Mutant
Heavy heads w/backends = Havoc
Med w/carry down, short patterns = Freak Out
Broken down/short patterns = Dry Heat

what a line up!

it doesn't take an average to win in match play!


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Re: Sport Shot Condition
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2004, 07:26:08 PM »
Mr Track,

Thanks for your input.  I like the idea.  
Last 2 questions:

1.  How should I drill up the Mutant?  Remember it is a blem with the CG and Pin less than 1 inch apart...not sure of top weight.

2.  Should I keep the same layout Chuck suggested for the Havoc? or do you have a better suggestion.

Again I apreciate all the help.  Thank You.  I will let you know how I do.

Virginia Beach

1. Phenom
2. Freak Out
3. Threat

Mr Track

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Re: Sport Shot Condition
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2004, 10:09:45 PM »

Keep the drilling the Chuck has suggested.  That drilling will fit for the medium length patterns with heavy head oil.  As I said, the havoc will be great for heavy heads with backend..especially with that drilling.

As for the mutant, couldnt help you on the pin in balls.  Maybe posting it?

Msg me if you any question.

it doesn't take an average to win in match play!

Edited on 3/17/2004 11:04 PM