After reading the article posted on Ebonite.com and every user who has posted his or her opinion on BR, I have decided to post my thoughts publicly in the Track forum. For the past 1.5 years I have thrown Track exclusively, now mind you this is not because I was contractually obligated to; yet, I found a product that fit my style and helped improve my game. Any of you would do the same I'm sure. I am extremely greatful of the blessing God has given me, to go out there and bowl week in and week out. I am even more blessed by God to be able to come on here and help any BR.com user who may have a question or who personally sends me a message to just say thanks for your time and effort on here. It really makes the hard times much easier and for that I thank each and every one of you.
With that being said, I would like to ask the entire Track forum; yet, for that matter the entire C300 faithful to try and embrace what has transpired. Now, I understand everybody has a certain way of looking at things and I say to each his or her own. It is your God given right to feel however you may about whatever topics come about. I will be the first to admit that this shocked myself when I read the article; however, things have a funny way of working out in the future. Some may perceive Ebonite International as the 'bowling bully', while others may perceive them as the 'dominant empire of the bowling industry' and I say I am fine with that. I congratulate Ebonite on their accquistion and I wish them nothing but the best. To anyone who is Track loyal, you may decide to try another product and by all means please do.
I, myself will be punching up a couple of other non C300 products in the next few weeks just to see how they are and see if I find something in those new pieces. I feel Ebonite will be able to take C300 and Track and market them into something special. I've heard some on here say "Track is done! It is over!" My thoughts being a consumer I say I do not believe Ebonite will obsolete the Track brand. On the other hand though, if they do the 'unthinkable', then all I can say to each and everyone of you is that we have a right to petition and to a peaceful protest, we have the power to influence a business's decision; however, until then, let's just sit back and ride the wave and wait for the right people to provide us the right answers. Any information you read on here is either truth or fiction and it is up to YOU the bowling consumer to perceive whoever says what in however you may think. Thank you for reading and God Bless You All!
What Are You Waiting For?!? Get on the FASTTRACK to success!!TRACK -- Building Success Stories, One Bowler at a Time!TRACK -- YOU JUST CAN'T BEAT THAT!!!Evolution Tag Team Member # 1
Edited on 2/8/2007 5:15 PM