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Author Topic: Track Arsenal - 3 Balls - Impressions  (Read 1064 times)


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Track Arsenal - 3 Balls - Impressions
« on: November 08, 2010, 02:10:22 AM »
I've drilled these 3 balls and used them over the past few weeks so I thought I'd give my impressions as enough time and usage to give a good understanding what they will and will not do.  Stats. are in my profile.

So, I decided to give a Track a try after my main choice wasn't matching up for me well this fall bowling season.  I bowl two 5 man leagues at a 15 year old house with the same age Bruns Anvilane 1st generation without the downlane stripes.  Panels have some wear and they are putting down a 39 ft. THS that is pretty wet/dry with what seems to me poor length wise taper with too much volume in the back end of the pattern and the condition carries down dramatically...lanes become tighter.  My Thurs. 5 man league follows a 4 person mixed teachers after work league and they use a lot of poly and old urethane so that also pushes down the oil.  Heads seem to hold up relatively well over a 3 game set on both leagues with just moving in....making parallel inside moves.

Here is the 3 ball arsenal that I chose after writing Paul Figliomini Track brand manager and he refereed me to Rob Herman of K&K and Track's Technical Support guy.  Rob gave me some layouts and ball choices.  They both helped a lot.

I took this info. to my driller who is one of the best in Cheeseland.  We selected a 920T, 715C and 505A.  Below are the layouts and dual angle numbers with pics.  All balls were spun on his DeTerminator.  All surfaces are hand applied new or newer abralon pads.

920T 50* 4" 45* X hole at P2 surface P2000 abralon

715C 55* 5" 40* no X hole surface P4000 abralon

505A 63* 6" 50* no X hole surface P3000 abralon

Impressions:  Great 3 ball arsenal!  You can go from medium-heavy (USBC Blue) to light/light medium.  Covers just about everything especially what you would see on most any house pattern.  No holes or gaps.  This is the best thing about this in that you can start with one go to the next stay in the same place on the lane and keep moving in and not lose carry and stay on the shim.  I can not say that about a lot of manufacturers line-ups.  The ease of understanding Track's numbering system, cover strength, core strength makes this easy to go from one to another.  Get your equipment laid out correctly for your stats. and technique with lane conditions to be used on then adjust surface and go.  I couldn't be happier.

920T.  I see a few posts about this ball and users not understanding this ball.  I used it at a tourney yesterday on older wood with a USBC Blue pattern 42 ft.  This ball at P2000 ate up this pattern...heavy roll but decent length and heavy arc on the back end without over reacting.  I never had a 930T that this ball replaced but with the P2000 surface I'd assume it would be much like it same type of ball motion.  In the OOB P4000 surface, I think this is where folks get the misunderstanding about it's purpose.  For medium-heavy for many I would suggest taking it down to P2000 and see what it will do.  Makes it a much better ball for that intended use.

715C.  This is my go to benchmark ball for medium type house shots can play out or in and get great carry either way. At the OOB P2000 with Factory Finish which I tried first it was too squirty and over/under.  I took it to P4000 and this made it an even reacting arcing ball.  Highest game so far 279 I expect to shoot a 300 with this ball at some point.  Lot of confidence when I pick it up and that's what a good piece gives you.

505A.  I have been looking for a ball for carry down for about 2 years on the condition that I mentioned above. Drilled about 5-6 with no great success until the 505A.  I thought about a 300C but opted for the 505A and glad I did.  My driller said he wanted me to have a versatile layout on these three balls.  Note I have a 4, 5 and 6 inch pin to PAP line up.  Works like a charm with no X hole flare lines are tight and I get about 3" of flare with this ball.  Pin above my middle finger and PSA right of thumb again in OOB P2000 w/ Factory Finish didn't make it as readable and at times could skate on carry down.  Took it to P3000 abralon and that's the ticket this ball is great in the later games of a set or block.  I move from the 715C to the 505A same trajectory moving a slight amount in with same ball motion length with arc and carry is better than weaker types of balls that can't handle carry down (ie. urethane or weak reactives).  

I'd definitely take a look at Track if you are on the fence. Glad I took the plunge.  

