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Author Topic: Surface change 715T  (Read 1533 times)


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Surface change 715T
« on: April 14, 2011, 08:55:41 AM »
I just had my 715T punched out and it's quite an impressive ball.  OOB it seems quite good on a league house shot.  I was very deep with it, 40 at the approach, hitting 4th arrow down to about 11-12 and it struck the five shots I used it.  I never felt it would shoot past the break point, and the ball arc'd hard.  I am left handed so your results may vary.  :)  I would have used it more but it's more of a tournament ball and I want to preserve the reaction for the nationals coming up next month.  


i am curious if anyone has change the surface and what the results were.  Once I try it out on the open pattern I'll have a better idea of how it is on sport shots.



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Re: Surface change 715T
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2011, 02:52:52 AM »
Update:  The OOB finish on the ball worked quite well on the open pattern.  The real test comes at the stadium.  Going up the back of the ball, the ball started up in the heads and just kept rolling heavy.  It rolls heavier than my total bedlam at the same surface.  Great ball! 
I couldn't use it too long because there were three other leftys on the pair using surface.  To give one an idea, I went from the 715T to a 2k T-road pearl in less than 2 games because the heads went away and I needed some push through it.  I don't expect to have that issue at the stadium.  
The 505T is closed similar of a roll does that ball have?


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Re: Surface change 715T
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2011, 06:28:48 AM »
I've loved making surface changes to my 715T, it seems to take changes better then most other balls. At 1k Saair it has worked great for heavy tourney shots, and bumping it up to 4k saair for my THS it carried the world. 
715T drilled 45 x 4 x 35 P4
505T drilled 65 x 3 x 35 P2.5
My 505T is usually 3 to 4 feet later then my 715T, but I can play larger angles with it. 715T is more archy and 505T is sharper for me, but then that's how I've had them drilled. 
My experience is that the 715T has a heavier roll then the 505T, but when my 715T starts burning up I can switch to my 505T and continue with that.  


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Re: Surface change 715T
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2011, 06:44:47 AM »
Nice 1-2 punch.  I have to try the 715T on a lot of oil at 1k.  Should be nice.  The 505T seems a very good compliment.  What do you use when the 505T starts to burn up?


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Re: Surface change 715T
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2011, 09:11:37 PM »
 I also have a 715C and a Project that work great. I especially like the Project, wish that wasn't a limited edition run.


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Re: Surface change 715T
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2011, 09:53:13 PM »
I would have like to try some "C" balls.  I almost bought a 505C but they sold out of them when they had the closeouts.


Laniarty wrote on 4/19/2011 9:11 PM: I also have a 715C and a Project that work great. I especially like the Project, wish that wasn't a limited edition run.