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Author Topic: question on equation 2  (Read 789 times)


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question on equation 2
« on: January 17, 2008, 12:37:38 AM »
is this a pearl ball or not i cant tell from all the pictures i find it just confuses me more also how strong is the ball in actuality thanks for any help
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show no mercy, kill the wounded, eat the dead



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Re: question on equation 2
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2008, 12:04:00 PM »
It's an all pearl reactive and is a medium - light oil ball depending on how you drill it. I use mine for the lighter stuff and dry. I keep it highly polished with Delayed Reaction. I have an Equation that is drilled the same and the EQ2, for me, is 3-4 boards weaker and goes about 5-6" further down the lane. Hope this helps ya!


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Re: question on equation 2
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2008, 10:21:11 AM »
I just got mine drilled last week and tried it this weekend.  I was trying to do a down and in instead of out and in.  I was killing the pocket but left 5 ten pins and an eight pin the first game for a 179 a couple of pins over my agerage not bad with a new ball.  Stuck with it the first 5 frames of the second game and it was more of the same.  It just didn't get the mix and carry  even though it had good rotation on it.  The lanes are set up flooded inside the ten board and drier outside and my proshop drilled it for the down and in and told me to keep it inside the 11 board.  I went back to my Art Aggressive and finished with 12 strikes in a game and a half as opposed to 2 in first game and a half ended up with a 197 the second game thanks to a few strikes in the second half and ended with a 233.  I can't say I am disapointed in it yet I just have not figured out how to get the carry with it maybe a little more loft that is what I have to do with my AA to get it to carry it does look nice on the lane.  It did make a nice arc to the pocket and not a hook like the AA.  I got it mainly to use when the carry down gets bad or the lanes dry out when my AA is too aggressive.


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Re: question on equation 2
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2008, 12:28:12 PM »
If u kept it inside of 11 board, theres too much oil for it. Ur best bet is maybe to get it to 5, that should get it rolling and carry better.


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Re: question on equation 2
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2008, 02:10:36 PM »
I will try moving out to the 5 board and see what happens thanks for the advise.  I was just listening to the pro shop who is a better teacher than a driller even though he knows how to drill mine to fit.  He has all kinds of teaching titles but I can not use him.  I twist my arm in the back swing and for some reason that generates lift and when I bring my arm straigh back like he tells me I can not generate the lift or something and I do not have the same hook on the ball.  I tried his way for 4 months and was only able to carry 168 average and got so disapointed I went back to my way the next season I ended up with a 190+ avgerage.  He says I shouyld be a 200+ bowler but for 60 years old 190 is good enough.

Edited - Well I tried 5 and could not keep it on the pocket side I then moved around and ended up to the far left with my feet (next to the ball return) and hit 15 (third arrow) and it worked great as long as I kept my speed up started the 3rd game with an open then threw a hambone then I guess I started getting tired came a little heavy left a 6-10 and chopped it off then three big splits so that game went down hill real fast still finished with a 596 series off of a current 184 average not too bad.

Edited on 1/29/2008 4:39 PM