Ended up drilling the ball 4 1/2 x 3 1/2(MB) with the pin below the ring finger (my driller said the pin couldn't be put above the ring finger). It's drilled exactly the same as my Animal. It gives me that extra length that I need, but it's very aggressive on the backends. On a THS with no OOB, I was standing at 45 shooting the ball out to about 2, and it would come back and crush the pocket. On a sport shot with and OOB of 5, I couldn't get the ball to stay on the right side because as soon as it hit dry, it would just snap.
The ball is a lot more 'jumpy' and angular than the Animal whereas the Animal gives better midlane and backend control and predictability. I've only shot 6 games with it so far (and left only 3 ten pins...not bad for me), so I can't really thoroughly review the ball, but from what I've seen, the Rule is a very strong and angular resin that can handle carrydown and med/heavy oil no problem.