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Author Topic: Where would a Tantrum..  (Read 1141 times)


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Where would a Tantrum..
« on: July 06, 2008, 08:11:54 AM »
fit into my current arsenal?

I have a slower balls speed (15 mph) , and a medium rev rate. Left handed as well if that matters. Here's what I'm throwing now.

Cell - 1000 grit
Gamebreaker - 2000 grit
Gamebreaker - 4000 grit w/ polish
Clash - 4000 grit w/ polish

I think it would fit in between the Clash and polished pin up Gamebreaker.

I'll take any advice. Thanks!



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Re: Where would a Tantrum..
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2008, 04:19:18 PM »
it would really depend on what drill you would put on the Tantrum, along with the surface you use it at. If you were to go with a standard strong assymetric layout and keep it in box finish, it would probably fit inbetween your 2 Gamebreakers
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Re: Where would a Tantrum..
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2008, 07:28:55 AM »
The int diff on the Tantrum is low, so while it is asymetric, the mass bias placement will have little effect on ball motion. It is a low RG ball at 2.46 which is the same or maybe just a touch higher then the Gamebreaker. The coverstock will retain energy better than the Gamebreakers and it should be more responsive. I would say between the 4000 grit gamebreaker and Clash assuming OOB on the Tantrum. It is a great piece.
Louis Franzetti

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Re: Where would a Tantrum..
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2008, 08:01:28 AM »
I wouldn't waste my time...very close to what you already have...all strong cored stuff.....

My God the Clash is a strong ball too!


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Re: Where would a Tantrum..
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2008, 12:23:54 PM »
fit into my current arsenal?

I have a slower balls speed (15 mph) , and a medium rev rate. Left handed as well if that matters. Here's what I'm throwing now.

Cell - 1000 grit
Gamebreaker - 2000 grit
Gamebreaker - 4000 grit w/ polish
Clash - 4000 grit w/ polish

I think it would fit in between the Clash and polished pin up Gamebreaker.

I'll take any advice. Thanks!

are those grit levels US or Abralon?
If they're Abralon, they're the European,"P" grade, which is different fromt he US scale. 4000 grit Abralon is 2000 grit normal or US scale. I think that's important to note here, because not everyone uses the same scale and the same abrasives.
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