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Author Topic: Thank You TenPins Pro Rick!!!!!!!!  (Read 843 times)


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Thank You TenPins Pro Rick!!!!!!!!
« on: April 14, 2004, 09:49:48 PM »
I am 29 average about 220 and have never thrown Track equipment.  I walk into TenPins Proshop and since I know rick asked him to suggest a ball for a leaugue we both bowl in.  The league was the 800 showcase in Concord, CA and for about 3 months have been pretty soupy condition and I was having trouble cutting through the soup so Rick suggests the animal and at first I thought no-way after reading many reviews about it here on this forum but he told me the physics of a ball and the importance of mass bias on the ball and suggested placing it in a strong position because it is naturally long.  Last night in league was crucial for our team securing the first spot (if you win the league $20,000) it was position round and needed to beat this team (we did).  Now bear in mind I have never thrown Track and this animal has never been thrown and all I can say is WOW, first 3 games 289 + 259 + 246 = 794.  This ball did exactly what he said it would do and after only 3 games can honestly say that this is one of the hardest hitting balls I have ever thrown, carried everything.  In the second game I left a 10 pin but what makes that 10 pin so wierd is that the six pin actually came out of the gutter and with its head tapped the ten and it almost fell.  That is what I look at when throwing a ball, how the pins react and when you see a pin almost come out of the gutter and tap a pin even though it doesnt carry that my friends is a Hard Hitting ball, all this means is that you can miss a little right or left and with the way this ball hits and it will carry.  This guy Rick is 1 of the best ball driller's I have ever been associated with and I have been all over this country bowling.  He takes his knowledge and puts it in terms the regular joe would understand (Me) and molds it to thier game.......I almost feel as though I didnt achieve that score last night but rick did with his ingenuity and foresight.  I know I am rambling but this guy is the real deal and think everyone should check him out.  Once again Thanks Rick I couldnt have done it without you.


Ernie McCracken

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Re: Thank You TenPins Pro Rick!!!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2004, 01:04:42 PM »
No doubt that Rick is the best.  I've been fortunate enough to get to know him even though I live 1,000 miles away.  The ball he drilled for me just as a test ball was great.  He's the man!
Evolutionary.  Revolutionary.

Doc Hollywood

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Re: Thank You TenPins Pro Rick!!!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2004, 03:47:25 PM »
Rick is not bad for a guy who is 4 feet tall and has the smallest hand I know of.  If only he had bigger thumbs.  That way I can try his stuff.

J/K Rick
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