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Author Topic: The animal vs. Ultimate Inferno  (Read 7958 times)


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The animal vs. Ultimate Inferno
« on: September 20, 2004, 11:30:18 AM »
Hey fellas which one of these balls is the better ball and why? Which is better on oil and so forth.



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Re: The animal vs. Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2004, 07:17:03 PM »
I appreciate the encouragement fellas, maybe I will invest in a few more track products. Specially hearing how highly you guys speak of your balls. Im currently using a apex intensity as my heavy oil ball. It backends stronger than anything I have in heavy oil, I just wanted another look in heavy oil so I wanted to try the animal.


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Re: The animal vs. Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #17 on: September 23, 2004, 11:43:16 AM »
Hey fellas I decided on a 12:00 drill for my animal. My proshop guy told me to put that drill on my animal. He said that would make it pretty strong. So I should have it by mid next week.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: The animal vs. Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #18 on: September 23, 2004, 12:03:33 PM »

By 12:00 drill are you meaning pin above the bridge, cg midgrip, and MB under the thumb?

If that is what is being put on it, that is not an aggressive layout and I would reconsider if I were you.

There are a few guys here you can ask about layouts and are willing to give good suggestions. Let us know.

C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

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Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: The animal vs. Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2004, 12:32:46 PM »
TO me, the UI is a lot better than the Animal. I am not sure that tenpinspro and EXCALIBER can give unbiased opinions as they are both on staff with Track. Can they actually criticize a Track ball?  My experience as a bowler who has both balls is that the UI revs early and evenly and is very predictable and the hit is explosive. While the Animal, which I re-drilled to put the pin under the ring finger and the MB swung to the right near the PAP is still to me an unpredictable ball. The UI is one of the best balls I have ever thrown. My 1-2 punch is the UI and the Pearl Uranium Buzzsaw. You can not go wrong with either of these balls.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: The animal vs. Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2004, 12:52:46 PM »
Rockbowler, Take a look at my review of the Ultimate Inferno, Raging Inferno, Inferno.....several Roto Grip balls. Every review I have ever given has been honest and unbiased-----and based solely on the ball's performance and NOT the name on the ball. Since I have only been on staff for about a month I think I can give an unbiased opinion on equipment from any company.  

Currently being on staff I can use only Track Equipment during competition.

Another thing you can do is look back through the forums and check for my mini reviews. I post a mini on every ball I throw and do not post a final review until I have thrown minimum of 20 games with the ball. It is very difficult to throw a ball for any less than 20 games and really know the ball. Only time will be able to tell you the tendencies of the ball.

SO, I do take offense to your comment, I have been as honest as possible about every ball I have ever reviewed.


C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

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Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: The animal vs. Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #21 on: September 23, 2004, 01:31:13 PM »
I said I am not sure if you and tenpinspro can give unbiased opinions since you are on staff. I did not say you do so no offense was meant. I am just pointing out the fact that people who are in staff in a company will be hard-pressed to criticize a product from the company. In all honesty, can a staffer call a ball (with the company he is on staff with) a dud if it turns out in his tests that it is? And to me, the UI-Animal comparison is no contest, the Ultimate Inferno wins hands down. Now, in fairness, I love the Phenom Unleashed of which I have two.

Edited on 9/23/2004 1:24 PM

Edited on 9/23/2004 1:28 PM


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Re: The animal vs. Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #22 on: September 23, 2004, 05:27:52 PM »
I do belive the UI to be a good ball. Although I competed in a tournament a couple weeks ago and I watch some ultimate inferno's fade away when they hit heavy oil. I recently purchased one of my buddies a UI and look forward to getting one myself. Im not in a hurry due to I wanted something that would handle oil the best and not another skid flip ball. Because I have the bruiser and I just purchased a inferno. Currently my heavy oil ball is a apex intensity. It backends stronger than any ball I have. And handled the heavy condition I bowled on during the tournament without a problem, ontop of that the cover was slightly shiny. So I agree with you when you say the UI is a good ball. Although it can get erradic at times. Just this friday in league a guy was throwing his ball when they have flying backends and he was crying up somethihg becausee the UI wouldnt hold. WHile I pulled out my particle and commence to bombing on them with strikes.


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Re: The animal vs. Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #23 on: September 23, 2004, 06:58:21 PM »
The UI isn't a bad ball but the Rule is just a lot more ball in comparison

I personally don't believe any ball is "bad", there's a time and place for everything.

Hey RockBowler, how biased is this comment?  Being back in the business for about 9-10 years now, it is EXTREMELY important that I tell my customers the truth or I wouldn't be around for long or I wouldn't get any return clientele.  I do not generate a ton of new business since we're all in agreement that bowlers are still declining in total.  I also don't undercut or cut throat my peers to create business, so you tell me how biased I can be in the big picture?  I've lasted this long only because of my honesty, I'm broke because of my honesty.  If a bowler doesn't need a ball, I won't sell it to them.  I also have 40-50 balls on display at the shop, I don't only sell Track equipment btw.

If lilphyzx asked a comparison between the UI and FreakaZoid, the answer would be that the UI hooks more, simple answer.  

In regards to your personal reaction which I cannot disagree with you since you're the one throwing it, the only problem is that I know you bud.  You're still in denial that you throw a full roller.  Every ball I let you try out from the shop came back with a full roller track and I showed you that.  You even gave me a ball from Vegas that you bought and that driller also placed it in a full roller position for you (because he saw your track) so you had me plug it and redrill it for you to your layout(non full roller).  With this info, I completely understand why your UI would perform better than your Animal.  It still isn't laid out correctly.

I am not paid to be here, everything I suggest out here is simply trying to help others and there is no financial gain to me in one way or another from being on this site.  Track does not tell what to say and what not to say.  I simply state my opinion and from all my personal and my customers various experiences.  I do not like exposing people but since you chose my name I am simply responding in my own defense.  

sidenote: I am personally disappointed in seeing this Rocky, we're friends, for you to accuse me of not being honest, why?  For every time that you came in the shop, did I once ever tell you that all your other equipment was garbage and that you "needed" a Track ball?  I never did that to you, as a matter of fact, I used to ask you what your DT stuff looked like cause I don't get a chance to drill many.  Where or when did I ever show you I was dishonest or biased in my opinion?
Rick Leong
Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Re: The animal vs. Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #24 on: September 23, 2004, 07:44:38 PM »
Wow, this is a passion filled reply Rick. Again, I said I am not sure so please read my post again if you doubt that. Also, you or Excaliber did not answer my question if you can call a Track ball a dud if your test results show that it is. Also, I did not question anybody's integrity or honesty. My only point is that staffers have a vested interest which may sway their opinion whan they compare a ball of their company with others. As to what you claim is my full roller track, I have done a grip analysis in Reno and something was wrong with my thumb pitch and my span was too short. The Vegas ball and the balls that you drilled for me were based on those specs which I have had for six years. Now, I found a driller I can work with based on the track and grip analysis correction I had at Reno some months ago and I am a happy 3/4 roller. I have no problems with you as my driller except that you are always so busy. I have no problems recommending you to any bowler as I have when I was still bowling league at the center where your shop is located.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: The animal vs. Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #25 on: September 23, 2004, 11:28:38 PM »

If Track made a ball that I was not impressed with I would say so. It is part of being in the pro shop business. I do not think I would call it a "dud", as I did not even call the Ultimate Inferno a dud or the Anomaly a dud, I said they just did not fulfill my expectations.

The fact is that I have been happy with the lineup Track has released over the last few years. I have not seen a ball that just didn't work for anyone. Each of the releases have had their purpose and they match certian bowler's styles.

The reason I am on staff is that I am helping Track and they are helping me which is going to result into more exposure for them in my area. As a bowler, I prefer Track equipment. As a pro shop, I drill what the customer needs and wants. I will in no way, try to push a customer into Track when that is not what they want.  Most of the customers that decide they want a Track ball from my shop have seen me use it and really like the reaction and carry the ball gets.

Honesty and great service is what I offer customers. As Rick mentioned, I am not getting paid to be here to speak on their behalf, I do it because I like to help bowlers in any way that I can.

C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

Track Intl.-Advisory Staff

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: The animal vs. Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #26 on: September 24, 2004, 07:11:00 AM »

The reason for the passion is because this isn't just a sport to me.  It isn't just about fun with the guys or a job that I can forget about after 5pm.  I've been doing this for over 25 years at a level where some will never reach.  My passion and love for this game has been and will always be there.  

Just to mention a few guys, I made Merlin(you know him) who he is today, from 180 to 220.  I also taught Allan Reyes (Team champion ABC Nats in New Mexico a few yrs back) who was also at 180 when I met him who finished 230's at Lava Lanes in Oregon last yr.  I taught Joe Caina who still holds the California state singles record(879) and won a dbls event at Hoinke.  I did this way before I was on staff with any company because I love the game and I love to help make others better at it as well.  I've been helping and guiding others for as long as I can remember.  Now because I'm on staff you question my intentions in the sport?  That's what gets me...I've been helping others for over 15 years in improving and bettering themselves at this sport and all of a sudden, I'm going to lie to appease a ball company.  For your information, I've had at least 3 more offers to join other companies but turned them down because I personally believe in Del, his products and his direction with the sport as a whole.  I'll list one example, he's the President of a company who travels out there giving lessons personally, not just selling but actually helping the bowler to do better.  How many "Presidents" of the other ball companies are out there doing that?  

In regards to calling a ball a dud, I averaged 210+ back in the early 80's with plastic(OmegaBowler was there, trophy's also in the showcase).  So, can you go any lower than that?  What would you consider a dud?  A ball that doesn't hook 40 boards with 10 revs?  I scored with plastic so anything made today is way better than that, honestly.  
I personally don't believe any ball is "bad", there's a time and place for everything

Again, there's no such thing as a dud or bad ball, you either have to know how to line up or have it redrilled or the cover adjusted to your game as necessary.  There are so many variables in the total picture that if you don't have a good driller to help you match things up, you may end up with a poor reaction, that's all.  My golf driver is no "better" or "worse" than my lob wedge, just used at a different time and place.  However, they both sometimes go the same distance..

Just like Ex states, my loyalty bud is to my customers, they're the ones who put food in my mouth.  I have to build their trust in order for them to come back, right?  I can't just give them any old ball that doesn't do what they need it to do and send them out the door.  Next time you're around, stop in the shop and look at the used ball rack.  You won't find a single new or current ball that I took back because the customer was unhappy, want to know why?  I give them the right ball for what they need, it may not always be what they want(some want too much hook) but it will be the ball that fits to their game.  I appreciate the recommendations to the shop Rock, just wanted you to hear my side.    

Sorry for the hijack lilphyzx...
Rick Leong
Ten Pins Pro Shop
Track Intl. - Amateur/Pro Shop Staff  
Vise Inserts Staff
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Re: The animal vs. Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #27 on: September 24, 2004, 09:09:47 AM »
Hey Rock, help me out with this..

1) per your premise, ball is a dud
2) staff member cannot criticize or say that the ball is a dud
3) staff member is withholding the truth
4) therefore, staff member is lying, right?  Reasoning 101(if p, then q)

What did I miss?  You keep saying that you're not accusing Ex and I of lying to protect our vested interest but I can't seem to come up with any other conclusion.  What am I missing?

Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
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"El" Presidente of the Legion


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Re: The animal vs. Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #28 on: September 24, 2004, 11:28:30 AM »
This topic has sparked some really passionate posts. You guys make me feel really good about the love that I have for bowling. Ive only been bowling for an year and a half and it has really taken me by storm. I use to league in pool. That was my passion for years until my father who couldnt beat me in pool drug me into his sport. Already within a year and a half in bowling I have thrown a 300 in practice against a buddy, and a 298 in my summer league. I have grown to be pretty good at bowling and I'm getting good the more I practice and learn from other guys. Im only 22. This year is my first year in sanctioned leagues and im not doing bad at all. My team depends on me to shoot big games all the time. I was holding a 200 average but who wants that when your trying to do pins over. So im keeping it around 180 or so. I really appreciate you guys thoughts and concerns. Thanks.


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Re: The animal vs. Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #29 on: September 24, 2004, 11:54:29 AM »
To those of you, "Track staffers???", who are taking offense:  I was reading this post and it looked like to me that Rockbowler just commented on if you are a staff member then to remain in good standing would staff members be able to speak their minds if in fact they had negative stuff to say about a ball that was from who they are staff members for.  I think that you guys have blown this out of proportion somehow.  I don't see where he has called anyone a liar.  Also, I disagree with the statement that there are no dud bowling balls!  I have been bowling for over 40 years and I have been around the game plenty, like you guys have.  I used to live in sunnyvale, I think I know who you are Rick.  You wouldn't know me, we never actually met and I haven't been there for 18 years now.  If there are no dud balls then why do we replace balls with new ones and why do we have our favorite balls that we use all the time?  Please, don't get all wound up about this, I am not challenging your bowling skills or knowledge, just saying that there are other opinions out there and there is no need to be so sensitive that you should take offense because someone disagrees.


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Re: The animal vs. Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #30 on: September 24, 2004, 12:40:45 PM »
Thanks, Fluxuateher. I am glad that you saw my point. I posed the question to Rick and Excaliber if they can call a ball a dud if it turns out in their tests that it is. Excaliber said he can but he has not seen a Track dud. Rick says he does not believe there is such a ball as a dud so this is a non-issue as far as he is concerned. I disagree with Rick. To me and others, there are duds and this is a subjective issue. Also, I have seen the reviews of staffers (not just for Track). I may have to wait a lifetime to see a staffer calling a ball of his company, a dud. I have expressed myself on this and again, no offense was meant. I am entitled to my opinion when I say I believe there are duds. If you do not believe this, then we will agree to disagree. Let's move on.


Just to really put an end to this, I said in my original post that I am not sure that tenpinspro and EXCALIBER can give unbiased opinions since they are Track staffers. This was more a reference to a Track staffer "who may not bite the hand that feeds him". I should have not mentioned their names. Both says they can give unbiased opinions and I do not question that. Point is, I have not seen a staffer for any ball company criticize a ball here in Ballreviews and like I said, I may never.

Edited on 9/24/2004 12:40 PM

Edited on 9/24/2004 1:06 PM