I like the attitude toward the wife, it often was my attitude and it got me divorced and poor but it is very accurate! Too bad they don't see it that way.
It seems to me that the UI and the Animal are very close in oil handling capabilities! Near the top but not the real top! AMF Evo Tour, TRiumph TNT, REaction Roll, Reaction Arc, Phenom, Money, etc.
However proprietors have gotten smart and have changed oil patterns and lessened oil volumes to battle particles effectiveness.
That is why these new hybrid reactive urethane balls are so good. They react more than reactive in oil and less than reactive off dry and are non particle particles which can also last longer as oil gets eaten up.
I've seen a lot of this new non particle particle ie activator, soaker M80 or whatever last a long time on a shot that starts out oilly. Actually as good as a particle on heavy volumes? I think not; but more versatile for a longer time.
I believe in general particles fit a smaller set of conditions these new balls allow one to have fewer balls but may not handle the heaviest oil as well as particles.
But AMF's new and unreleased coverstock will! And then some!