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Author Topic: The Rising Drill Sheet  (Read 12849 times)


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The Rising Drill Sheet
« on: October 23, 2007, 11:38:36 AM »

We just got in a few Risings on Monday and before we drill mine, we wanted to take a closer look at the 360 degree drilling technique.  Any idea where we can get more information on that?  It says to look up on the drill sheet, but neither my dad nor I were able to find further information.

We feel that the recommended drilling may be a tad too strong for me.

If anyone has any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.

I think my speed is 17 mph and RPM is 375-425.. can't quite remember all the numbers are on the other computer..  Have not computed my axis tilt.

Here are some links to some of my videos..

Thank you,




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Re: The Rising Drill Sheet
« Reply #106 on: October 31, 2007, 10:48:36 AM »
If I ever thought I might try this ball, all of this talk about the drillings, wrong drillings, secret drillings, and etc. has scared me away from considering this ball. If it is that difficult to drill right for a person, then I will never be interested in it because I have enough of a problem with wrong drillings on a normal ball, let alone something complicated like the Rising.  
AND this is the reason that we are suggesting people to drill the ball with the suggested layout because it is simple and it gives the best overall ball motion.

With every other strong asymmetric from every company, including Track (Rules, Machines), it has been repeated on this board that your driller has to know what he's doing.  He's got to take into account the bowler's PAP when laying out the ball.  It's crucial.

With this ball, no PAP is required.  Completely flies in the face of every other driller, every company (including Track, though this is the same "Track" in name only).  And in six months, when the next new ball is out, this will be "oh, just throw your favorite asymmetric layout on it".  If that's not the case, I'll send you a dollar.



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Re: The Rising Drill Sheet
« Reply #107 on: October 31, 2007, 10:58:46 AM »
If I ever thought I might try this ball, all of this talk about the drillings, wrong drillings, secret drillings, and etc. has scared me away from considering this ball. If it is that difficult to drill right for a person, then I will never be interested in it because I have enough of a problem with wrong drillings on a normal ball, let alone something complicated like the Rising.  
AND this is the reason that we are suggesting people to drill the ball with the suggested layout because it is simple and it gives the best overall ball motion.

With every other strong asymmetric from every company, including Track (Rules, Machines), it has been repeated on this board that your driller has to know what he's doing.  He's got to take into account the bowler's PAP when laying out the ball.  It's crucial.

With this ball, no PAP is required.  Completely flies in the face of every other driller, every company (including Track, though this is the same "Track" in name only).  And in six months, when the next new ball is out, this will be "oh, just throw your favorite asymmetric layout on it".  If that's not the case, I'll send you a dollar.


shelley,   way too much salt in your diet again.

good thing today is wed.  and the natalie show is on tonight!!!

now back to the ball.

so far we have done several pin above the finger layouts,  as well as pin under the fingers.

basically you can call these 5 to 5 1/2" to the pap.

one of the customers with this drilling has posted the following.
289 in one league,  then 279 and a 759 series in another league.
a 4 pin,  and a 10 pin cost him the 300's,  plus the waitress with the big ems.

but he was last seen smiling all the way to the bank!!!!!

the ball is a monster!!!

now if you are going to use the the drilling that puts the pin 4" to the pap and the mb at 45 degrees,  i would say knowing the pap is important.

but if the pap is unknown,  then drilling the ball according to their drill sheet poses no problem at all.

if your girl Natalie was nude on lane 17, and this guy was bowling on lane 19.
no one would have noticed her!!!!!
the ball is a monster.

jls, proud watcher of womens golf

Edited on 10/31/2007 11:47 AM

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: The Rising Drill Sheet
« Reply #108 on: October 31, 2007, 12:29:45 PM »
Chalk up another one for the genius that is the Fig!

Ebonite may want to rethink that decision. Wasn't it Fig that lead to AMF not renewing their PBA registration because "winning tournaments and making shows doesn't sell balls"? AMF made and won many shows with the TNT and Velocity series balls and failed to capitalize on that success.......brilliant!

My take on this whole Rising thing is that its been a whole lot of hype, confusion, and whole lot of disappointment!

All you guys did was come here and talk about how it was going to revolutionize bowling. The release was going to be delayed because the ball had to be manufactured to some super strict specifications and "we're going to make sure it is perfect before we release patient....this ball is SOOOO different and will be SOOOO great. Track is going to turn the bowling world on it's edge!"

All this crap and then they release the drilling sheet in DOC format? Too difficult to convert to a standard HTML page or even PDF?

Of the 3 releases, the Rising is the least attractive to me. Kinetic and Temper look great.

I do not think you read where that has since been changed.

I want to add to the reason the layout for the Rising is as stated. When we were traveling to different Trade Shows, including Bowl Expo....when we asked pro shops if they check EVERY bowler's PAP, axis tilt, axis rotation, ball speed etc.....there were VERY few that could say they checked it for EVERY bowler. The key word is EVERY. In no way are we telling people to disregard PAP. What we are telling people is that with the #1 layout the ball will perform the best.

Carl Hurd
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
with locations in:
Youngstown Ohio (West Side Lanes)
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Mark T. Trgovac

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Re: The Rising Drill Sheet
« Reply #109 on: October 31, 2007, 12:31:09 PM »
The fact is most shops (MOST), dont even take into account the customers PAP when they layout a ball or use a drill sheet layout. The layout given on the drill sheet will work for 95% of the bowlers out there. The slight move left for those with lower tracks or a val/pap that is under the 4" mark or the move right for those further then 5" will make the suggested layout work for them. If your bowler rolls the ball more but is in the 95% area just add some polish. Most bowlers (MOST) dont keep a ball consistantly at box anyway. They let the ball get dirty or polish it.

Nobody said the customer had to buy a package. The shop should by a package deal, because it is in fact a deal. You get three balls none that should sell fo under $130, for only $240. I mean that is the one package and that is a deal. I dear you to find a better one out there where each ball could really sell under the high price point.
Mark "scoot" Trgovac
C-G Pro Shop
Offical "Spokesman"
Youngstown, Ohio

Finishing THS book ave: 200
Finishing PBA Experence ave: 176
Finishing Composit ave: 194


Tag Team Coaching Success Story.

Wow, did you even read what you wrote?

First you say that MOST shops don't drill using a bowler's PAP.  Then you say to move it right if the PAP is less than 4" or move it right if the PAP is more than 5".  

If the shop doesn't use the PAP to begin with, how are they going to know to shift it left or right?

You seem to be suggesting that 95% of bowlers have a PAP between 4 and 5".   I'm far from a good bowler, but I consider myself "average" and my PAP is outside of that range.

I don't need a stupid
signature. This is enough.

You didnt read what I wrote. The above words I used are bigger and bolder. So befor you take a shot at a post make sure you read it and understand what was wrote. This is also why the suggested layout was given because there is such a big target area that it will work and give the ideal reaction for. The other thing is, if the proshop doesnt drill after knowning you PAP that is the shops fault if the ball doesnt work right. To many people blame a company or a ball for being stupid if the suggested layout doesnt work. To many proshops dont look for PAPs when they drill a ball. They normaly just pick one of the pictures on the drill sheet and match it. That is why this layout was given because it hits such a large mass of the bowlers who get equipment.

Also when it comes to a oil ball being at 4000. If you bring it down from 4000 you will add more early roll to the ball and make it easier to conrol. The other direction is easy to do also. Something like 2000 with polish will give you more skid then 4000. You have a wide range of surfaces you can work with.
Mark "scoot" Trgovac
C-G Pro Shop
Offical "Spokesman"
Youngstown, Ohio

Finishing THS book ave: 200
Finishing PBA Experence ave: 176
Finishing Composit ave: 194


Tag Team Coaching Success Story.

Edited on 10/31/2007 12:35 PM
Mark T. "Scoot" Trgovac
Track Staffer
Bowling Ball Driller


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Re: The Rising Drill Sheet
« Reply #110 on: October 31, 2007, 12:56:17 PM »
I also was at the Marietta, GA seminar and tried all three of the new releases. I was told that they had a heavy oil shot put out for the demo and it was evident from bowling and watch other attendees using their equipment on the lanes. I was standing 15 and played up 5 with the Temper and it had a nice move at breakpoint. I moved my feet to 18 with the Kinetic and it had a stronger move at the break than the Temper. I tried to play the same line with The Rising and the ball crossed over, but still struck, so I moved my feet to 22 and target to 10 and the ball just crushed the pocket. I drilled one when I got back to the shop and when I bowled last night I had to stand 10 boards left of where I normally stand. A few guys were leaving 2-10's or 2-8-10's and I had to worry about keeping it on the right side. I used the standard recommended drilling and the ball rolls really smooth and clean, then turns left. Just my 2 cents and I hope this helps! I was impressed with all three and I think a lot of people will enjoy using the new Track! Thanks, Bruce
"Train a child up in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it."
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Re: The Rising Drill Sheet
« Reply #111 on: October 31, 2007, 01:31:02 PM »
gentlemen,  may i call you gentlemen.

from what i have seen in just a little over a week,

the ball is a monster.

get past all the track hype about codes and drillings.  

drill the ball.  the recommended drilling is a monster.  seeing is believing!!!

but i must admit,  we have only done the recommended drilling if we had a short pin,  or if using a longer pin>> low top weight.
otherwise on a longer pin,  we have used the pin above the fingers  drilling with great success,  or we have used pin 4" to mb drilling.  both were excellent.

its a real shame that there was so much confusion about drilling this ball.

i blame Track!!!!

don't really understand what they where thinking.

however i do get their point about shops not using pap's.  and i think they where trying to come up with a drilling that will perform for most,  with or without a known pap.

drilling balls without a known pap, is not new.  the One series had a pin above the finger layout as its recommended drilling, if no known pap.
however on that ball,  i always felt it went too long for the bowler with less hand.  and sometimes causing too much over and under.

that is not the case with this ball!!!!!

new meaning to the term "backend"

the ball is a monster!!!

drill one,  before the guy on the other team does.

jls, proud watcher of womens golf


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Re: The Rising Drill Sheet
« Reply #112 on: October 31, 2007, 01:48:33 PM »
Chalk up another one for the genius that is the Fig!

Ebonite may want to rethink that decision.  Wasn't it Fig that lead to AMF not renewing their PBA registration because "winning tournaments and making shows doesn't sell balls"?  AMF made and won many shows with the TNT and Velocity series balls and failed to capitalize on that success.......brilliant!

good point,  however this is not the 1970's or 1980's when bowling was on ABC each and every Saturday,  following the wide world of sports.

everybody on the planet know, that at 2:30,  bowling comes on.

however that is not the case anymore.  only real die hard bowlers seem to know when bowling comes on.

and believe it or not,  most bowlers watch the NFL on sunday!!!!!
you see, that is why there are so many beer commericals on.

putting bowling on sunday, next to the NFL????

what where they thinking????????

now i remember well those wins on the tour by AMF guys using the velocity.
but its hard for bowlers watching the NFL to see that!!!!

jls, proud watcher of womens golf

Edited on 11/1/2007 2:14 PM

BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: The Rising Drill Sheet
« Reply #113 on: October 31, 2007, 04:01:05 PM »
The tour does sell balls.  There were a number of shows that the week following several of the balls used on the show sold very well for us.  This was not the case several years ago, but it seems that within the last year or so, the tour is helping to sell balls.
"The Place All Bowlers Shop"
"The Place All Bowlers Shop"


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Re: The Rising Drill Sheet
« Reply #114 on: October 31, 2007, 04:10:50 PM »
bill,  in the old days,  the phone would start ringing as soon as the tv show was over.  "you got this or that"   whatever they saw on tv.

those days are long gone.  today if you ask bowlers,  when is the tour on tv,
you get,  "i don't know"  "sat"?

sure some "elite" bowlers still watch the show,  but even then,  it's sometimes hard to see what they are actually using.

and no doublt,  that you may get some calls after a show.  but its nothing compared to the calls we would get back in the 70's or 80's,  when the show was on ABC.

i alway felt,  bowling died a little,  when the tour was cancelled by ABC.

jls, proud watcher of womens golf


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Re: The Rising Drill Sheet
« Reply #115 on: November 01, 2007, 01:45:15 PM »
I remember that year AMF was tearing it up - Brian Voss and Norm Duke were tearing it up, but you never once heard them say anything about the ball or AMF, and very rarely did you even get to see the ball logo.


Posted: Jan 10, 2005

Norm Duke, throwing AMF300 equipment, made the finals on Sunday at the PBA Geico Open in Mesa, AZ. Norm is a 21 time title winner and this makes the 9th week in a row for AMF300 to appear on the show.

Here's looking forward to the PBA El Paso Classic!

To say the tour doesn't help to sell balls may or may not be correct, but it was one of the reasons I bought the Velocity.  I don't recall seeing that ball on the show, but when I looked at AMF's products, the Velocity jumped out at me.

My problem was I couldn't find any local shops that sold AMF - had to have my shop special order it (and they did it reluctantly!).

I don't know who you blame for that - product manager, sales reps, or the shop owners?  That particular shop is primarily Ebonite, Storm, and Brunswick.  Rarely would you even see Hammer or Columbia300.  Forget about seeing a Track, Roto, AMF, or DT.

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