Alright, I went bowling. Sorry, no video.
Every time I go now I feel so disappointed. I can't throw my Arsenal or else I blister within two games. I don't throw my spare ball or I'll rip up just as fast. The only chance I have is with my Riot Zone, but even when I use that for three games, my skin cracks. I have a really, big, problem.
Here's my theory:
My Arsenal was drilled for, like just about everyone else, my entire thumb to be in the ball. I can't explain how, but I managed to get into a bad habit of throwing the ball with only half of my thumb in it. This caused my thumb's knuckle to swell on both sides, but mostly on the left side (when looking at the back of the hand). Now I am trying to revolutionize my bad style and throw the ball like I should, but because my thumb is swollen, I can't operate the ball normally.
Imagine, if you will, my thumb on its side. The swollen left side of my knuckle would form a parabola (bear with me). In the downswing, all that pressure is forced onto the highest point of the parabola, or, the highest point of swelling. This is where there is significant blistering and skin breaking.
Now, how do I remedy this?
I'll give you five bucks off 'cause you look like a guy who knows his BALLS!