Hey FASTTrackers,
Hopefully I am NOT looked at the wrong way after this but I have held it back long enough. A few weeks back my pro shop guy drilled another ball for me. You see, the bad thing is the logo didn't have "TRACK" on it.
You see, Wes is on Columbia 300's amateur staff and had 3 EPX-T1's available, and they were looking very tempting to get one punched up for myself. Well, after some talking from Wes, I was convinced that this would be a great ball for me. I have to say, I am much impressed with the results thus far. My only question is when will the "Machine" be released? I have heard this month, November, December, and possibly even January. One thing is for sure, if the Catalyst coverstock has been an asset to me so far, I cannot wait to see what kind of reaction I get with this coverstock and an asymmetric core put to it. I'm sorry guys, but I couldn't resist. Hopefully, this won't be a bitter pill for you all to swallow since Track and Columbia 300 are within the same company. I did tell Clint, and thank God he was very understanding! LoL!
What Are You Waiting For? Get on the FASTTrack to success!!
Track -- Building success stories, one bowler at a time!
Track Amateur Staff Wanna-Be!
Edited on 10/9/2005 1:03 AM
Edited on 10/9/2005 1:04 AM