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Author Topic: To anyone that ever had to step down for an injury....  (Read 2073 times)


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To anyone that ever had to step down for an injury....
« on: July 12, 2007, 11:48:14 AM »
As some of you may know, I've been out for about 5 weeks now because of a wrist injury.  Anyway, the X rays and MRI showed no breaks/tears, just a really bad sprain.  Anyway, I've been feeling great the past two weeks, and currently plan to step on the lanes for some practice next week to test how it truly feels.

Moving on, any tips/advice I should keep in mind?  I know not to expect to bowl like I was before the injury.  What I need to know are things like should I go right back to my typical setup?  Or should I go as if I'm just learning the game and progress from there?  Any insight would be most helpful.
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My summer leagues have ended early due to a wrist injury.  Out 4-6 weeks.

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Re: To anyone that ever had to step down for an injury....
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2007, 07:59:57 PM »
I hate to even broach this subject, but will you or won't begin by using a supportive wrist device or some sort, just as a precaution?

I have done or been in a similar position and did that. Now, I mostly never use the wrist support unless I'm really exhausted.

If you're wrist seem strong enough (I assume you did some strength renewal exercises after that much time not bowling), I'd just start as per normal but with as much reduced ball speed, backswing and revs, as your ego can tolerate, so as not to damage the wrist again. Don't be too anxious.

Actually sprains take the longest to recuperate from, as far as damamge goes. Tedons and ligaments or whichever pieces of the human body are involved (I forget) are more sensitive than bones. Broken bones heal and can be re-used much quicker.

Best of luck.

"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Edited on 7/12/2007 8:00 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: To anyone that ever had to step down for an injury....
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2007, 08:28:52 PM »
Yes, I will start off with a device.  This one as a matter of fact:

I have also done some strength exercises, and it's not as stiff as it was like 3-4 weeks ago.

I'll try to go as normal-with the exception of moving up on the lane and going to a 4-step approach vice my usual 5.  That should help in reducing ball speed, backswing, etc.

And I couldn't agree more with sprains taking longer to heal.  As my Grandmother taught me a long time ago, "Sprains are often worse than breaks".  I think this may be the 2nd or 3rd time in my life I would have preferred to break something.  Thanks alot for the advice, it's greatly appreciated.
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High series-796

My summer leagues have ended early due to a wrist injury.  Out 4-6 weeks.

Weeks of bowling withdrawl-4


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Re: To anyone that ever had to step down for an injury....
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2007, 08:57:22 PM »
Just take it slow, don't come out first few times and try and rip the inserts out..  

I was out for around 5 weeks from damaged tendons.. have to use a support now, can't go more then two games without discomfort..

Good luck

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Re: To anyone that ever had to step down for an injury....
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2007, 09:24:48 PM »
Yes, I will start off with a device.  This one as a matter of fact:

Master has one similar to that whicc I have used. They support your wrist very sturdily. My only problem with it was that it tested my patience getting the fingers on and offf.
I've also like the Mongoose and the Power Paw.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Edited on 7/12/2007 9:25 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: To anyone that ever had to step down for an injury....
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2007, 09:33:26 PM »
Take everything very slowly.  Even though you feel great, the wrist will tire easily and could be re-injured.

I had to take several months off after a broken wrist.  It is amazing how much muscle you lose in a short amount of time.  It also affected my mechanics because I was afraid I would re-injure myself.


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Re: To anyone that ever had to step down for an injury....
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2007, 09:40:06 PM »
Yeah.  And trust me, it's gonna weigh on my mind heavily when I try to bowl next week.  I'm just hoping for the best.  If it does get too sore, I'll just stop and get it checked again.  I've dropped both my leagues, and decided not to enter the regional in Baltimore next month-so if worse comes to worse, I may just wind up taking the rest of the year off.

Sucks when I think about it though, all that I've learned in the past few months, and the results I've seen.
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High game-300
High series-796

My summer leagues have ended early due to a wrist injury.  Out 4-6 weeks.

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Re: To anyone that ever had to step down for an injury....
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2007, 05:00:50 AM »
As some of you may know, I've been out for about 5 weeks now because of a wrist injury. Anyway, the X rays and MRI showed no breaks/tears, just a really bad sprain.

From personal injury experience and what I still advise to my customers today is to come back slowly.  I have many die hard bowlers that have tried to come back too fast and have re-injured themselves.  My suggestions are as follows..

1) Take your time....see how lifting everyday things at home affect you or even just to see if it any "normal" action causes any pain.

2) If and when you decide to come back and throw a ball, I'd suggest finding a houseball anywhere from 2-4 pounds lighter then your own ball to start with (even if it's just a few shots).  This should help tell you if your wrist is even strong enough to handle that before you tackle your own equipment.  Too many people I've seen have come back trying to throw their own equipment and that's usually too much after a bad strain.

Please keep in mind the time you take off, your tendons and muscles have become accustomed to being very relaxed or have not had to be used in the same manner as it does in the sense of effort it takes to throw a bowling ball.

Hope you heal quickly and be able to return to do the things you enjoy in life....good luck my friend.
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Re: To anyone that ever had to step down for an injury....
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2007, 06:08:57 PM »
Thanks Rick.

As I have nothing but 15s, I'll have to grab a house ball on Thursday(As long as I'm not stuck at work) and see how it feels and then take it slowly from there.  As for day to day activities, I do every thing as normal.  However my wrist does feel pretty stiff, which I'm sure it's due to not only not bowling for a long time, but from wearing that brace until a week ago.  I will take things very slowly.  I've dropped the tourney I was going to enter next month that I felt very optimistic on.  Anyway, 3 days to go...
My current

High game-300
High series-796

My summer leagues have ended early due to a wrist injury.  Out 4-6 weeks.

Weeks of bowling withdrawl-4


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Re: To anyone that ever had to step down for an injury....
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2007, 08:07:47 AM »
I tore a ligament in my wrist at the end of last year which required minor arthroscopic surgery.  After everything was healed up I used a balloon filled with play-doh to strengthen my wrist.  When it felt stronger and I had little to no more pain I started to throw the ball and just took it slow.  Obviously it will take some time to get your timing back, but you'll get back in the groove soon enough.  

Just remember to take it slow.  You don't want to push it and wind up out a year or more.
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Re: To anyone that ever had to step down for an injury....
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2007, 08:21:10 AM »
Besides a wrist support to get back into business, make sure to have a good warm-up routine for the arm and hand (and the rest of the body, too) - this will prevent a lot of injury risk, especially when starting to play.

And take it easy and slow in the beginning!
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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Re: To anyone that ever had to step down for an injury....
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2007, 08:50:40 AM »
I snapped my left arm (distal radius) and dislocated my left wrist (distal ulna) in a bike crash about 10 weeks ago (May 2nd). I had surgery on May 3rd, and I now have a permanent SS plate and 5 screws holding my radius together. Fortunately, I'm a righty, so I don't have to bowl with that hand, but the recovery principles are the same for most wrist injuries.

From my physical therapist: take the next day or two to stretch out the wrist - do it 3-4 times per day for 10-15 mins. per stretching session. Do it slowly and very gently. Hold each stretch for at least 10 seconds. Be sure to stretch in both directions (i.e. pronation as well as supination, flexion as well as extension). If you have been taking it easy and working on strength only, the tendency is for the wrist to get stiff and tight, not loose. Therefore, stretching is good. Also, use a hot pack before stretching, and ice the wrist afterwards. I will sometimes use a prophylactic dose of 200-400 mg of ibuprofen (Motrin) to help reduce inflammation, which is directly associated with soreness due to fluid buildup.

Finally, remember to warm up the arm and stretch before bowling, and ice afterwards, esp. if you feel swelling or pain.

Good luck in your recovery! Hope this info. helps!
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Re: To anyone that ever had to step down for an injury....
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2007, 09:07:54 AM »
When you decide to go back, decide ahead of time how many games you are going to bowl, preferably a low number (2-4) and don't go past that no matter how good you feel.  Adrenaline and endorphins can mask pain, so while you might feel great during that 6th game, you may pay for it the next day.
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Re: To anyone that ever had to step down for an injury....
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2007, 05:58:41 PM »
Thanks alot all.  Tomorrow is the day.  I talked to a friend of mine, and he wants me to sub on his team tomorrow.  He's been out a bowler so far this season, and the HC avg is 140.

"You can't do much worse than that, even with your wrist"  He says.  I'll post the results.  Work has been strenuous the past few days, and I must admit that my wrist feels pretty good.
My current

High game-300
High series-796

My summer leagues have ended early due to a wrist injury.  Out 4-6 weeks.

Weeks of bowling withdrawl-4


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Re: To anyone that ever had to step down for an injury....
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2007, 08:00:27 PM »
Well, I just got back.  I opted to just open bowl.  I bowled 4 games.  Now on to the meat and potatoes:

First game was a 144.  Delivery was off, and I was just all over the place.  2nd game was a 202 using the Equation.  Third game was a 190 with the Phoenix.  Last game was 207 with the PM.

I didn't cup the ball throughout the whole delivery as before.  I also went to a 4-step delivery vice the normal 5, which resulted in not as high of a backswing, so my ball speed decreased as well-about a mile/mile and a half slower.  Before the injury, I stood anywhere between 28-35, targeting the 2-3 board.  Today, I started between 18-22, but still targeting the 2-3 board as my break point.

When I started feeling comfortable, I was quite surprised to see my ball still rev up quite a bit.  So, whereas my ball, nor my scores or overall game is where it was at the end of the fall season I must say I'm quite pleased after the injury and long break.

To be continued...
My current

High game-300
High series-796

My summer leagues have ended early due to a wrist injury.  Out 4-6 weeks.

Weeks of bowling withdrawl-6

Edited on 7/19/2007 8:00 PM