I snapped my left arm (distal radius) and dislocated my left wrist (distal ulna) in a bike crash about 10 weeks ago (May 2nd). I had surgery on May 3rd, and I now have a permanent SS plate and 5 screws holding my radius together. Fortunately, I'm a righty, so I don't have to bowl with that hand, but the recovery principles are the same for most wrist injuries.
From my physical therapist: take the next day or two to stretch out the wrist - do it 3-4 times per day for 10-15 mins. per stretching session. Do it slowly and very gently. Hold each stretch for at least 10 seconds. Be sure to stretch in both directions (i.e. pronation as well as supination, flexion as well as extension). If you have been taking it easy and working on strength only, the tendency is for the wrist to get stiff and tight, not loose. Therefore, stretching is good. Also, use a hot pack before stretching, and ice the wrist afterwards. I will sometimes use a prophylactic dose of 200-400 mg of ibuprofen (Motrin) to help reduce inflammation, which is directly associated with soreness due to fluid buildup.
Finally, remember to warm up the arm and stretch before bowling, and ice afterwards, esp. if you feel swelling or pain.
Good luck in your recovery! Hope this info. helps!
Engineering * Bowling = a fun and practical application of rotational kinematics.