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Author Topic: Track 505A or 607A SE ?  (Read 3277 times)


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Track 505A or 607A SE ?
« on: June 03, 2011, 08:20:10 PM »

i have a track 505T and it's a very good ball, i'm interested to try one of the A series.

I think about the 505 A to stay in the same line but i saw also the 607A SE.

What the best choice between these two balls? Pro and Negative things of these two balls?

Any help is appreciated.



Billy Ray

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Re: Track 505A or 607A SE ?
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2011, 11:56:13 AM »
505A Has been doscontinued for a while now and may be hard to find. Excellent ball if you can find one.


607A SE another excellent ball, May need some tweaking for your game as the OOB can be a little too skiddy for alot of folks. We've sold a number of these the past year all with outstanding results. Pretty much a no brainer.


503C looks to be a very solid piece out next month. Probably worth the wait to add this on to your bag. DOn't have enough games on mine yet to really say where is belongs in the bag. Still failry angular but not 'A' ball angular. Very nice and versatile!!!


Another option is the 718A which is probably my favorite ball in my bag right now. length and awesome backend but still controllable and very versatile if you have some head oil.

Billy Ray
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Billy Ray
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John D Davis

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Re: Track 505A or 607A SE ?
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2011, 01:57:06 PM »
I have owned both and both are:

Scared of Oil!

Boomerangs off the Dry!!

and Very Unpredictable!!!


I know you probably already have your mind on getting one or the other. So Id go with the one thats the most appealing to you. There may be a difference in reaction between the two, but its really not enough to research and ask people opinions of them. I personally liked the 505A better but they are both very pacific lane condition balls,etc. Good luck with your decision and one note: DONT BE AFFRAID to change the OOB surface! John


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Re: Track 505A or 607A SE ?
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2011, 02:40:45 PM »
hi guys

thanks for these info, i thought to the 505A because i found very good the 505T but if you have suggestions about other A series lmk.


Billy Ray

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Re: Track 505A or 607A SE ?
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2011, 06:59:03 PM »

 I think maybe you were using them on the wrong condition?
The 'A' balls are better after the pattern has broken down or if used on the fresher patterns maybe a lower rev player can use them on the fresher stuff to create angle into the pocket. Most higher rev players wouldn't use these 'A' balls on the fresh because they store so much energy by design they would be hard to control down lane. 
John D Davis wrote on 6/4/2011 1:57 PM:
I have owned both and both are:

Scared of Oil!

Boomerangs off the Dry!!

and Very Unpredictable!!!


I know you probably already have your mind on getting one or the other. So Id go with the one thats the most appealing to you. There may be a difference in reaction between the two, but its really not enough to research and ask people opinions of them. I personally liked the 505A better but they are both very pacific lane condition balls,etc. Good luck with your decision and one note: DONT BE AFFRAID to change the OOB surface! John

Billy Ray
Track Pro Staff
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At The Playdium
"Let Us Help You Become More Competitive"
Billy Ray
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Inside Sparetime Lanes-East Greenbush
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John D Davis

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Re: Track 505A or 607A SE ?
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2011, 08:55:56 PM »
Billy, he didnt say he was playing any tournaments nor playing broken down conditions,etc. I was just basing it off a typical league condition player... I did in fact find great use for the balls so I cant say they arent going to be good for what he wants. I just say those are a couple balls that the track players can do without. I am speaking from experience here so please dont bash me again. To me, the 715A's and 718A's are better than any of the 607A's and 505A's,etc. I know my game maybe different but if I cant hit the lanes with my T or C balls then Im sure that the A's arent going to be that much better. I could go on and on but hopefully you know what I mean. Overall YES good balls, but what track has to offer? NOPE not even close. The 505T is in fact hands down the best ball in their whole lineup!!! I can only think great things on the new 300T coming out too! john


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Re: Track 505A or 607A SE ?
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2011, 09:25:11 PM »
See my post/impression of Track 607A SE.  People drill these wrong for THS type conditions IMO.  See how I laid mine out and this makes it VERY usable for a THS condition as long as you can move in slightly and have enough head volume to use a medium strength ball with a bit of speed.  My profile has my stats. to compare.




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Re: Track 505A or 607A SE ?
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2011, 04:19:26 AM »
Guys you are right, i have no put info about when i want to use this ball.

I'm thinking to  use on a THS with medium oil or on a challenge pattern after broken down (medium or light/medium).

Before the 505T my last Track was the uprising (very good ball) but nothing from the recent line because from two years in tournament i use only LM or some Lane#1.


Thanks for any help.

John D Davis

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Re: Track 505A or 607A SE ?
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2011, 08:55:51 AM »
Hey Killpins, I have used all the balls you have been throwing personally, so I can say what I am fixing to say about them. The 505A and 607A are stronger off the spot then almost anything Lane 1 and Lane Masters have to offer,etc.


Thats being said I wouldnt get either of them simply because they may be uncontrollable for you period. If I were you, I would try maybe a bigger core such as the 930A or 920T for they will give you a better feel and somewhat resemble some of your recent balls... With the right layouts, the high performance balls will be the ticket for dry lanes, etc. I had a 920T that was 5-6 inches away from my PAP and that ball went forever before it rolled up! Some of these people on here, jump on here and say oh yeah thats a great choice,etc. When they really dont have a clue, for they just know that they LOVE some track balls! After 6 months or more of throwing track with a handful of choices then I would purchase one of those balls you are asking about. For one, they are in fact great in cirtain places, and two, for you will be more familiar with that nice movement off the spot track has to offer....


Good luck with your purchase. Maybe you will take in to consideration on just some of the things I have said. It would be nice if someone aggreed with some of the things I have said. John


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Re: Track 505A or 607A SE ?
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2011, 10:51:21 AM »


John D Davis wrote on 6/5/2011 8:55 AM:
Hey Killpins, I have used all the balls you have been throwing personally, so I can say what I am fixing to say about them. The 505A and 607A are stronger off the spot then almost anything Lane 1 and Lane Masters have to offer,etc.


Thats being said I wouldn't get either of them simply because they may be uncontrollable for you period. If I were you, I would try maybe a bigger core such as the 930A or 920T for they will give you a better feel and somewhat resemble some of your recent balls... With the right layouts, the high performance balls will be the ticket for dry lanes, etc. I had a 920T that was 5-6 inches away from my PAP and that ball went forever before it rolled up! Some of these people on here, jump on here and say oh yeah thats a great choice,etc. When they really don't have a clue, for they just know that they LOVE some track balls! After 6 months or more of throwing track with a handful of choices then I would purchase one of those balls you are asking about. For one, they are in fact great in cirtain places, and two, for you will be more familiar with that nice movement off the spot track has to offer....


Good luck with your purchase. Maybe you will take in to consideration on just some of the things I have said. It would be nice if someone aggreed with some of the things I have said. John
Out of curiosity, since the coverstock is the tire and the core is the engine, can I rightly assume that the 9 series cores responds more smoother/ less erratic off the dry than the 5 series or 6 series?

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Re: Track 505A or 607A SE ?
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2011, 11:37:48 AM »
Hey killpin,


I would also suggest going to Go over to the forum there. They have a couple of really good guys that know a ton about the track stuff. Just give them your info i.e bowling style and what you are looking for. They can suggest a ball or a couple of balls for you and normally would even suggest the way to drill them to get the reaction you are looking for.  If you are looking for a 505a they will be pretty hard to find.

Billy Ray

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Re: Track 505A or 607A SE ?
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2011, 12:52:20 PM »

Well I'm going to give you my input again, take it if you want or not that's fine. 


I don't think the 9 Series balls are going to give you what you are looking for especially if you have issues getting the ball down the lane or speed control issues. If you drilled one with something like 6" pin you have now drilled a lane condition specific ball that may work well when it does work but probably won’t work as much as you want. Unless you have a 6 or 8 ball arsenal I would tend to not drill a specific piece like that.  


The 5 series balls and 3 series balls and even the 607A SE are the most forgiving balls in the entire line. (granted you have the proper layout and surface) The closer a ball is to Symetrical core shape the more forgiving its going to be in general. Is it going to give you the most pop or hardest hit? Maybe not but you aren't saying you are having trouble carrying, you are looking for a more angular reaction and by the balls you are stating something to use on a THS or broken down Challenge/Sport condition. The more forgiving core shape will allow you to make smaller moves to stay in the pocket longer. You can tweak any TRACK ball’s cover to match the volume or surface. The ‘A’ balls even with surface still maintain the angular backend shape just a touch earlier read depending on the surface. I have played with surfaces on every ball we have released in the last 3 years and drilled multiple balls of each kind for myself and have used them extensively. Everyone has an opinion.




Bottom Line: If you were in my area I would take you out on the lanes and watch you bowl on the patterns you are referencing and make a judgement from there. I would Highly recommend you go see a reputable pro shop in your area and have him do just that. If he can’t be bothered find one that wants your business and will invest the time in you as their customer.


Billy Ray
Track Pro Staff
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Inside Sparetime Lanes-East Greenbush
"Let Us Help You Become More Competitive"
Billy Ray
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Re: Track 505A or 607A SE ?
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2011, 01:03:56 PM »
I've seen both of these balls and have been ipressed with them.


The 505A plays a little straighter down the boards and easy to play for a player that likes that type of move with it's strong midlane and backend.


The 608 SE is for a more advanced player that likes to play inside and carry from inside creating more entry angle than the 505 A.


I've also seen the problems discussed above with the 607 SE.






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It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

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Re: Track 505A or 607A SE ?
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2011, 01:10:49 PM »
Many thanks at all for all info received.

Now i have a lot of info to make my decision.