I am a former Track Regional Staff Player. I resigned my contract a few weeks ago. Please don''t take my resignation as the balls a bad at all. I just couldn''t get the balls to quite match up to my game as well as I thought they should. I have drilled many Track balls for my customers and they are awesome in thier hands, but not so much for me.
So I am unloading my Track Aresenal probably at least 40 balls. I am basically giving the balls away but charging to plug and refinish them. They will be ready to drill. I will also spin them on my Determinator and mark the Mass Bias location for you.
The price will be $60.00 per ball and this includes shipping any where in the continental United States.
I will get quantites of each ball posted here soon. Below is what type of balls I have. It will be first come first serve. None of the balls are plugged yet so the ball with ship within one week after receipt of payment through Paypal. I will not ship ball unplugged. The reason I do this is, in the past people have tried to return a ball to Track on a warranty issue. Trying to get a new ball when the ball was given to them by a staff player for free. I won''t let this happen to FIG or Track.
Send me a PM if interested.
All balls are 15lb
1 Rising
2 Kinetic
2 Temper
3 Kinetic Energy
3 UpRising
3 Rising SE
4 Kinetic Pearl
2 Tantrum
2 505C
715A These are all gone
930T These are all gone
Rick Guined<font face=''''Arial''''></font id=''''Arial''''>
Owner/Operator: New Millennium Proshop:
http://s239.photobucket.com/albums/ff183/Guined/Vise PBA Regional Staff Player
IBPSIA Certified Technician
USBC Bronze Certified Instructor
www.viseinserts.comEdited on 9/30/2009 1:06 AM