What type of cover do you prefer? Particle solid, particle pearl, resin solid, resin pearl, etc.
Also, do you prefer a weak core or a stronger core? WHY?
Just seeing what the preferences are out there in equipment.
I will start be saying I prefer a solid particle cover and a stronger core, thus the reason why the GP2 is so good for me. Resins have a tendency to over/under me to death and pearls in general do the same as well. With me tracking so high, almost no axis tilt, and 17-18 MPH (and I can get it higher when I need to)I need as much traction as possible and core strength as well. Now, I do have all of types of covers and cores in my bags as when the time is right to use them, I do, but I always tend to lean back eventually toward the solid particles with stonger cores (Freak-Mutant-Phenom-Phenom Unleashed-GP2-Aggressive, just to name the last few).
How about you?
Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460