This is an area that Track needs vast improvement. Surface adjustments are so important on today's lane conditions, I can't believe that this is not a "standard " on their web site and drilling instructions. One needs to know the OOB rating for a reference starting point and confirmation of what the bowler is using.
Many of the Specifications are left blank and with ambiguous wording, and with incorrect, if not wrong, product descriptions; marketing, advertising leaves the potential buyer and hard core FastTracker asking fairly "should be" obvious questions, that most major quality ball companies outline extremely well.
With such a high quality product, I wonder why there is such a disconnect? Track is not the only brand guilty of this shortcoming... All Columbia brands should be made aware of this.....
Email to Columbia will be sent on this subject; it shouldn't be this way!
Always being in the market for BBs, I noticed this shortcoming right away; I thought how out of touch and uncaring; or under staffed? Wow! talk about obvious....comeon' Columbia!
Ok, I'll go back to sleep now! NO.. theres that email.
Edited on 11/24/2006 12:37 PM