Hi Louie,
Thanks 2 Hand, not reading clearly, got a fever. Anyway, TwoHand's recommendation is very similar to what I was thinking, pin under mid finger cg kicked out right (about a 6x5, no mb TH) but since you don't want to plug it, this changes it quite a bit. A couple of different ways, one is to sheen it as that would keep reaction a little more steady and even. Another way I've gotten a ball very long is to Haus it to 1200(white pads), then Tec-Shine(Col product, very thick) it and high gloss, go ahead and also drill out any positive statics if you want. Hope this helps some...again, you'd be able to hook almost anything with your revs at that speed.
For TH and Louie, do you guys bowl similar to Osku? Is this a typical two handed release? Never really seen it thrown effectively until today...just curious. Thanks.
Rick Leong
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