As I responded there, I have drilled a ton of track balls in the last year and a half for my customers, and not including the better part of 20 some for myself, and not a single one of my own has cracked and none of my customers have brought any back complaining either. I would have to say it deals with the bowler stroing it in extreme temperatures (hot then cold, vice versa), or the driller is using dull bits or even drilling the ball too fast. When I worked in another pro shop a few years back, my former boss was known for drilling fast, and I watched him 2 or 3 times crack a ball right in from of me from drilling so fast. The faster you go, the more heat the ball takes and sometimes it is just too much and it cracks. I obviously have not seen any of their bowling balls or watched them being drilled, but I would lean that way. Just hard for me to believe if there is truly a problem and with all of the balls I have gone through for me to NEVER receive one with the problem.
Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460