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Author Topic: Dear: Dr. (New Guy) Phil,  (Read 5553 times)


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Dear: Dr. (New Guy) Phil,
« on: November 09, 2006, 12:29:06 PM »
Knowing that you are wearing the big hat now how are rounding up the technology side of the company? Are you mastermining the releases based upon your concepts and how is that getting split up between the labels. I am not looking for insider info just see that things especially on this company forum seem to be spiralling and haven't really heard of the new master plan. I guess I am one of the few looking forward to change as after you left Track I didn't seem to do as well with the label. I wish you good luck.



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Re: Dear: Dr. (New Guy) Phil,
« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2006, 08:02:54 PM »
I hope his statements are true, because Track needs to bounce Back..
ÈĻ Arsenèl
Track Mean Machine
Lane #1 Solid Cobalt Bomb
Storm Paradigm
Lane #1 Dirty Bomb
Track Machine
Track Equation
Lanemasters The Buzz
Columbia Wicked B/R/T
Track Desert Heat
Brunswick Spiral Viz-a-Ball
Do I need anymore?

What exactly do they need to bounce back from? Aside from the "shake up" within the organization, it hasn't hurt the equipment they've put out until now. We'll have to wait and see if they can continue that trend and continue to make the high performing equipment they have been making.

"The Revolution" has begun!!!

Basically bounce back from the shake from Del leaving.
ÈĻ Arsenèl
Track Mean Machine
Lane #1 Solid Cobalt Bomb
Storm Paradigm
Lane #1 Dirty Bomb
Track Machine
Track Equation
Lanemasters The Buzz
Columbia Wicked B/R/T
Track Desert Heat
Brunswick Spiral Viz-a-Ball
Do I need anymore?
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
      "Now that's MONEYYY!"


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Re: Dear: Dr. (New Guy) Phil,
« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2006, 09:02:33 PM »
Basically bounce back from the shake from Del leaving.

That I can agree with, but I really am getting a good feeling about the direction that Phil is trying to take the company. He doesn't want to cater to just the high performance people in the world, he wants everyone to love the Track brand and he is going to do that by building a line that anyone can build an aresnal out of.

"The Revolution" has begun!!!


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Re: Dear: Dr. (New Guy) Phil,
« Reply #18 on: November 11, 2006, 09:10:55 PM »
And that I can understand as well. I think the whole "hook in the box" type thing has died down. Alot of bowlers now are wanting something to score well with, instead of having that huge hook.. Atleast thats my opinion. Hopefully he will get this done.
ÈĻ Arsenèl
Track Mean Machine
Lane #1 Solid Cobalt Bomb
Storm Paradigm
Lane #1 Dirty Bomb
Track Machine
Track Equation
Lanemasters The Buzz
Columbia Wicked B/R/T
Track Desert Heat
Brunswick Spiral Viz-a-Ball
Do I need anymore?
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
      "Now that's MONEYYY!"

Mark T. Trgovac

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Re: Dear: Dr. (New Guy) Phil,
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2006, 01:44:37 AM »
Good to hear that you will be keeping the asymetrical stuff. From what I hear you match covers as good or better then del. That is the one thing I like from del. So you guys will have my support as long as your keep the asymetrical stuff out and keep it strong
Mark "scoot" Trgovac
C-G Pro Shop
Offical "Spokesman"
Youngstown, Ohio

"The Revolution has started. The sides were drawn, and if you didnt Choose the side ofEvolution you will fall to the power that it has."


"Freak Bowling Ball cleaner of the TRACK Revolution."
Mark T. "Scoot" Trgovac
Track Staffer
Bowling Ball Driller


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Re: Dear: Dr. (New Guy) Phil,
« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2006, 02:50:59 AM »
I will have to try your new ball when it comes out. Don't forget to put up a post here to let us know when it's out, nothing like free advertisment straight to your core customers.


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Re: Dear: Dr. (New Guy) Phil,
« Reply #21 on: November 12, 2006, 06:50:53 AM »
One of the things that really drew me to Track was the "Robo Core" balls, I love the way they react, IMHO, they are a kinder controlled Asymmetrical ball that hit very hard. Track's most recent releases under Del's tenure; Machine, Mean, Power, Equation and Inertia have been excellent balls. No complaints, only praise! thanks Del for the Track jump start! Great job.

So, IMO, the bar has been set pretty high. Track is already back. Continuity would be an issue for me.  I do like what Phil is advising, pointing the way. I've been highly interested in the Dynothane line and at several points almost bought one of the mags and the threshold; then came TRACK to impress the heck out of me. Even AMF has had their share of winners with the Radars and Venom.  Phil has been influential in these releases.

We all realize that the bowling business has changed, and probably forever.  Distribution stream is more slanted towards the internet then ever.  Pro shops, some good ones, are selling online.  In targeted markets brick and mortar Pro Shops are still a driving force; the trend is online, and the balance towards drilling and service needs on the pro shop.  I do think in the US, with all the ball choices there might be too many ball companies servicing to little customer base... for now.  Let us not forget about overseas, ball manufacturers have large base and growing base of customers in Asia.  China and Taiwan (already) will be THE markets. The developing world market is huge for the future of bowling. Global assault of bowlers! It's happening.

I do like what Phil is telling us though, I've always liked Columbia Industries based products. I really like what he's telling us about the NEED for cover and weight block synergy. Thanks, Phil for giving us a glimpse into our "Track" future. He will keep us "on track".

Edited on 11/12/2006 9:31 AM


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Re: Dear: Dr. (New Guy) Phil,
« Reply #22 on: November 13, 2006, 06:38:23 PM »
Dr. Phil,

I greatly appreciate the response. It is nice to hear from the horse's mouth. How is "other guy" handled on tour. Is he rep for just Dyno or the whole bunch. I used to follow his column when he was your rep from many moons ago and got to meet him many times in the northeast stops. It is no wonder he is you right hand man. Will wait to see what magic you may provide and good luck on the endeavors.


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Re: Dear: Dr. (New Guy) Phil,
« Reply #23 on: November 13, 2006, 07:39:13 PM »
^^^^^^That is funny....I didn't know he moonlighted as a talk show host/counselor...and that is because he was Oprah's little b!tch!!  LOL

Mr. Cardinale, are you a doctor? lol
Marlene Sixkiller
May this Angelic Bowler
rest in peace.....1/5/39-10/29/04

Active member and hit man for the Track Legion.

Fighting terrorism since 1492

Check my profile for good transactions with members on

If he's as good as a counselor as advertised, not only can he keep providing me with great bowling gear, he can also provide me some world class supervision!  I have some real challenging foster care cases I could use his help with  
Fran Bax

A Member of the Buffalo and New York State Bowling Association Halls of Fame
Member, Dyno-Thane Amateur Advisory Staff

PS: Wanna Quit Smoking?  
In New York State - Call 1-866-NYQUITS (1-866-697-8487)
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Re: Dear: Dr. (New Guy) Phil,
« Reply #24 on: November 16, 2006, 02:19:38 PM »
I have set goals to reunite the original Track Followers. I feel the original success of Track was based on performance and assuring the bowlers that the balls did exactly what they were advertised to do. Also if you recall everything was built as part of an arsenal.
Over the past few years I have been doing an extensive study to prove that there is an ideal strength of the mid diff. Based on the success of the D/T Threshold (mid diff .010) I think I am close to developing a more efficient product than ever before. The Threshold had received the highest rating ever according to BTM for an oil ball yet the numbers are not as high as others who claim to have big hook product. Remember the Threshold is not a particle ball but uses the soaker cover.
Geometry create motion and since I feel I have calculated a formula that will support super performing product, I now can develop core shapes that fall under these numeric parameters and develop different motions for several companies.
I have also been working with several resin formulations to assure the proper cover core combo. This is a luxury only a few have. I have the opportunity to use the Storm resins as well as the Columbia resins and mix and match them to create different combinations. These combinations along with my core development experience has opened up a myriad of opportunities for different motions and performance opportunities. Far more than one brand can justify.
I have developed a core and cover combo for a Jan launch for Track that fits into my parameters as to what is missing and has been missing from the line over the past few years. With all the hype from the influence of the Mo/Del Core development beliefs I feel Track has gotten away from the performance go to ball, the ball a player can sink his teeth into and use well into the session, it needs to be easy to drill and be very versatile. Track in my opinion had run off the player who liked some tech but does not need to overwhelmed by it. He needs performance not hype, he needs to see the motion on his own not be told he had seen it.
 I've developed a core that allows a strong heavy roll similar to a medium diff asymmetrical ball yet has plenty of pop down the lane. I doesn't require exotic drillings and is very driller friendly. It is symmetrical and can cover a wide range of conditions and is easy to tweak to fit the condition.
I have also worked up a core cover combo to be shown at Bowl Expo. It is very unique and should have the same impact on the industry as the Ceramic core did in the Critical Mass and Code Red, it will I hope dominate as much as the Heat did, and will develop into an arsenal as strong as the Heat, Elite combo.
I am excited about the brands, all of them. I know I can keep the separation of performance and appeal from brand to brand.    

One quick side note, Storm contacted me and asked that I explain more clearly the use of the Storm resins. In case anyone else misunderstood, We can use Storm resins on the Dynothane Balls only. We do have multiple combinations available however in other resins for the balance of the brands. I hope this clears up any confusion.


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Re: Dear: Dr. (New Guy) Phil,
« Reply #25 on: November 17, 2006, 12:08:26 AM »
While I believe the line is slanted for the high performance player and does need some balls in the less hook area, I have no complaints with the current line. Being staff I'm biased, but I have found the line to be very competent overall. Welcome new guy it's good to have you on board. Everthing sounds good so far and I'm looking forward to someday meeting you. Good luck on your new endeavor.
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Track amateur staff