I think the Hexplosion is more for Med/Light oil, the Slash is more for med-med/heavy, the FAZ seems quite close (reaction wise) to the Slash, the CrunchTime seems like a ball between the Hexplosion and FAZ or Slash, the Arsenal Angular and Xception are very close, and the Arsenal Aggressive is for a more smooth reaction. Definitely a bit of overlap.
I think the production of balls has to do pleasing the general public's wants. FAZ is like a remake of the RevMaster, the Angular is a symmetrical particle pearl - similar to FreakOut, and the Slash is a remake of etc.
I'd also like to see the new dry lane ball and even a spare ball (if they make one). I guess I'd better start saving up incase newer equipment (that REALLY interests me) comes out.

Edited on 3/10/2005 9:30 PM