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Author Topic: Is it me?  (Read 1229 times)


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Is it me?
« on: March 10, 2005, 12:24:15 PM »
or does Track currently have way too many balls in their current lineup which can be used mostly on medium conditions. For example...we have the Hexplosion, Slash, Arsenal Angular, Xception, FAZ,Arsenal Agressive, Crunch Time (I don't believe this is discontinued yet) as well as the Rule, which is a Med/Heavy piece. I love Track stuff, but why all this stuff that really kind of overlaps. We need to see this dry lane ball that we keep hearing about as well as maybe a spare...I don't know what the point of all these are...I'm sure they aren't the only company doing this...I'm just a track follower, so I know more about their stuff than most...
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Re: Is it me?
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2005, 08:30:17 PM »
I see all companies do this at some point. Must just be something that they thought the market would need at that time.
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Re: Is it me?
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2005, 08:35:03 PM »
I think the Hexplosion is more for Med/Light oil, the Slash is more for med-med/heavy, the FAZ seems quite close (reaction wise) to the Slash, the CrunchTime seems like a ball between the Hexplosion and FAZ or Slash, the Arsenal Angular and Xception are very close, and the Arsenal Aggressive is for a more smooth reaction.  Definitely a bit of overlap.  

I think the production of balls has to do pleasing the general public's wants.  FAZ is like a remake of the RevMaster, the Angular is a symmetrical particle pearl - similar to FreakOut, and the Slash is a remake of etc.

I'd also like to see the new dry lane ball and even a spare ball (if they make one).  I guess I'd better start saving up incase newer equipment (that REALLY interests me) comes out.  

Edited on 3/10/2005 9:30 PM


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Re: Is it me?
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2005, 08:40:55 PM »
i wonder when that desert heat will come out and i hope they come out with a super cool clear spere ball sooner then later

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Edited on 3/10/2005 9:36 PM

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Is it me?
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2005, 08:41:39 PM »

The Hexplosion is definately on the lower side of mediums. One thing that you can take into consideration with all of those balls is that they cover mediums----but each does it differently. FYI---I am not sure that most bowlers would be using the Aggressive on mediums....MAYBE the higher side of mediums.

If you think about it, most of the bowlers are bowling on medium condition house shots. The balls you listed all provide a different look on the lane...even if it is only a slight different in length etc...
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

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Re: Is it me?
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2005, 09:00:44 PM »
Wow, EX is totally right!  The various reactions of each ball for the same medium-oil condition allows for a wider variety of bolwers to match up to Track equipment.  I prefer strong arcing balls, whereas some prefer long/strong or skid/snap reactions, and Track's awesome lineup caters to many different bowlers and styles!


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Re: Is it me?
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2005, 09:57:20 AM »
I agree with you EX but.......Why not a "true" dry lane ball and a spare?  I love Track Equipment (obviously) but I would love to see these to complete my arsenal instead of tweeking coverstocks to meet the condition.  And a 4 or 6 ball bag wouldn't hurt either.  
     G. Banks III

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Is it me?
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2005, 10:08:38 AM »

You never know what the futur will bring. To this point my guess about the spare ball is because of the C300 white dots.

As for the dry lane ball. I do not have a problem on the dry with the Hexplosion. I can see where bowlers that may not vary releases well may have trouble with it. The Dry Heat worked well on dry for me as well, but those with slower speeds or higher revs(that cannot cut the revs back) I could see it giving them a problem.

Hopefully the new "heat" will be the answer people are looking for on dry from Track.

C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

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Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Matt Fortney

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Re: Is it me?
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2005, 10:12:30 AM »
if the heat is exactly the old one, you won't be able to throw it on dry. i have one and i can use it on any condition. even on a flooded shot that thing comes back from anywhere. carrydown, fresh backends, it doesn't matter. i don't know about everyone else, but definitely not a dry lane ball for me.


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Re: Is it me?
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2005, 11:50:23 AM »
also, you need to take into consideration that certain demographic prefers "xxx" covers.  like i know bunch of people who hate particles, or people who love particle pearls, but not solid reactives.  and etc.

so they do have lots of balls in their line up, but like EX said, each do it differently.


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Re: Is it me?
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2005, 02:22:45 PM »
Hexplosion - drier cond
CrunchTime - med dry
Slash - med oil
FAZ - med to med lite
Xception - med lite cond
Arsenal Angular - Med/med cond
Arsenal Aggressive - med heavy


This is what I get from these balls and how I see them fit into a bowler's game.  The Slash, FAZ and Xception to me are our main medium oil balls but they offer differences in reaction.  The Slash for me is pretty even looking throughout, the FAZ rolls early (lower rg) with an arcing backend and the Xception goes long with strong backend.  Depending upon one's game and overall "hook" potential, some may see the variances greater or less then others.  The more a person can hook the ball in total boards, the more gaps there are to fill.  

Track is looking into a drier lane ball but previously was not produced because we "specialize" in high performance technology.  The direction and original goal of the company was not to compete with everyone else, I believe Del's focus was on high performance only.  This information used to be listed on Track's website under "about us".
Rick Leong
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