I said this in another thread, and I'll say it again. I don't think Ebonite bought Columbia to throw an Ebonite cover on a Track core, or vice versa. Ebonite, since buying hammer, have made a POINT to keep the lines separate. They don't share coverstocks or core technology or really philosophy. Ebonite and Hammer are two very well defined, separate lines. I suspect much of what makes Track Track will remain the same, though I would expect some marketing changes and similar stuff. We ain't gonna see a Robo core with a GB 10.7 cover.
If you aren't watching 'The Wire,' the government should be forced to come to your house and repossess your television. END OF STORY!
Mr. Lebowski, this is Bill Salnicker with the Southern Cal Bowling League, and I just got a, an informal report, that a member of your team, uh, Walter Sobchak, drew a firearm during league play. If this is true of course, it contravenes a number of the league's by-laws, and article 27 of the league...
BOB: Did you see the way she was lookin' at me?
DOUG: Yeah, because she thought you were some kind of freak!