I love it...but you already know that...
Mine is used on those med to med-light conditions where length is a factor. On those broken down conditions or bad heads or shorter/light patterns it's tough to beat. I've used it as compliment to the Aggressive when it starts hooking a little early in the heads or mids but I still want the smoothness downlane.
I like to hit one of mine a little with a burgundy scothbrite to help it read and get it a little closer to the Aggressive (sanding pearls is great because they still push more than a solid). It's 4 1/2 with the pin below the ring finger, low hole in the thumb-pos quadrant 3" deep. The other which I keep highly polished has the pin 5 1/2" on my centerline below fingers with extra hole 2 1/4" below axis.
Anthony Chapman
Track International Staff
Turbo Grips 2-N-1 Staff