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Author Topic: Track Hook/Specs Ratings (My Experiment)  (Read 771 times)


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Track Hook/Specs Ratings (My Experiment)
« on: September 13, 2005, 03:14:37 AM »
Hi guys, I know most of you had questions about the hook rating scheme on the Track Website. Well, this morning while I was thinking of my next two balls to put under my Benchmark ball the Slash, I browsed through the Reactive Symmetrical line that track had to offer.I made up a generic overall hook/power rating. Since I was looking for two weaker balls to fill the gaps under my Slash, I surveyed 5 balls.

Reactive Symmetrical Balls Surveyed
Desert Heat - Solution PP EX - Solution PP Sanded -  Heat - Slash

Variables Tested
Hook - Length - Backend - RG - Differential - Flare

I took the numbers advertised on the website and crunched them. Using 6 variables that would determine the Least Hook and Most Length, I ranked each ball from the weakest to strongest.
Here's what I came up with below...

Variables Tested (Weakest - Strongest)
Least Hook = Desert Heat (22-17), Sol PP EX (24-18), SOL PP Sanded (25-21), Heat (26-21), Slash (26-21)

Most Length = Desert Heat (9.0), Sol PP EX (8.0), Heat (8.0), Sol PP Sanded (5.0), Slash (4.0)

Least Backend = Desert Heat (4.0), Sol PP EX (5.0), Solution PP Sanded (6.5), Heat (7.0), Slash (7.0)

Highest RG = Desert Heat (2.57), Heat (2.56), Slash (2.52), Solution PP EX (2.50), Solution PP Sanded (2.50)

Lowest Diff = Desert Heat (.20), Heat (.37), Solution PP EX (.40), Solution PP Sanded (.40), Slash (.47)

Lowest Flare = Desert Heat (3), Solution PP EX (5), Solution PP Sanded (5), Heat (5), Slash (5)

After ranking the balls above, I tallied how many times they were placed in each position.

Rank Positions
1sts = Desert Heat = 6
2nds = Solution PP EX = 3, Heat = 2
3rds = Solution PP Sanded = 3, Solution PP EX = 1, Heat = 1, Slash = 1
4ths = Heat = 3, SOlution PP Sanded = 2, Solution PP EX = 1
5ths = Slash = 5, PP Sanded = 1

I then came up with a power ranking score system. 1st place scores 10 pts, 2nd places scores 7, etc...see table below

Power Ranking Points System Table
1st = 10 pts
2nd = 7 pts
3rd = 5 pts
4th = 3 pts
5th = 1 pt

Power Rankings Results Below (Weakest - Strongest)
Desert Heat = 60 pts (Weakest)
Solution PP EX = 35 Pts
Heat = 26 pts
Solution PP Sanded = 20 pts
Slash = 5 pts (Strongest)

This was an experiment and by no means is this endorsed by Track, but after looking at the Hook Rating & Numbers on the Track website, it was tough to compare or put 2 or more balls side by side. I believe the parent company Columbia 300 has a Ball Comparison option. I decided to do my own and all though it looked like it took a lot of time, it took about 20 min.

Just by eyeballing the Desert Heat's numbers, I knew it would be their weakest ball. It was the other 4-5 Reactive Symmetrical Balls that were very close in specs that made it tough. Don't tell anyone I did this at work during down time ok? *uh oh, my boss just passed by my desk JK*

I now have an idea of which ball I want. The PP EX and Heat are battling for a spot under my Slash and I think I might give the desert heat a try for the Toasted/Light Oil stuff. BTW, I'm no Math Nerd, but felt like one after doing this hehe...Hope this didn't strain your eyes!

Regards, Ramtart
"Heck Yes!" Napoleon Dynamite

Edited on 9/13/2005 11:11 AM



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Re: Track Hook/Specs Ratings (My Experiment)
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2005, 01:16:20 PM »
Thats pretty neat. I like the idea!

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460


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Re: Track Hook/Specs Ratings (My Experiment)
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2005, 08:48:58 AM »
Hmmm..Looks good Ram but I think I'd do it the other way (power ranking scoring) as we are trained to see the higher the number, the more powerful it is.  Can you do a chart for the shop like this?  Great comparison bud...
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
Track Intl. - Amateur/Pro Shop Staff  
Vise Inserts Staff

*El Presidente of the Track Revolution
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
Co-Founder - Tag Team Coaching
"El" Presidente of the Legion


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Re: Track Hook/Specs Ratings (My Experiment)
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2005, 09:21:31 AM »
Hey Rick...sure, I could work on something like that for the shop. I did it from weakest to strongest, because I had "weak," type reactions in my mind. I'll work on a chart for each ball line (asymms, symm, midprice, etc...)

Regards, Ram
"Heck Yes!" Napoleon Dynamite