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Author Topic: track is like wow  (Read 803 times)


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track is like wow
« on: September 05, 2010, 03:35:32 PM »
I normally roll lots of storm stuff but my last to buys were a 715c and 607a.  my 715c I've had for 2 weeks and rolled it on house shots and cheetah.  The 715c does exactly what the number system says, smooth and continuous.  The 607 I've only had for 1 day and it was bad but it was not the balls fault.  The house shot was heavy oil and lots of friction out side of 8 but anything inside of that was going straight.  I didn't use it till like game 5 but because of the box surface it skated in the oil and when it hit the dry it went left so i just used my prodigy and the ROF.  I and really liking the new track stuff and the number system is the smartest thing for a real or average bowler to understand.
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