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Author Topic: Track Kinetic Platinum  (Read 8454 times)


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Track Kinetic Platinum
« on: March 04, 2021, 10:09:41 AM »
The new Track Kinetic Platinum continues the the legacy of the Kinetic line.  The Platinum has that recognizable skid/flip reaction I have seen out of the Kinetic line since it was first introduced.   Outside of the great shelf appeal this ball just looks amazing going down the lane.  I will say that this ball will probably not be the first ball out of your bag but when the heads start to burn up and you need a ball to keep you from having to jump way left this is your ball.  Easily clears the fronts better than most balls I have thrown.  It will save its energy when you need it most, going thru the pins.  If you are a tournament player this will be a great ball to have for later in the block.  As far as where it would fit in the Track lineup I would say it would be between the Proof Hybrid and the Tempo.  This is an absolute must have for all Track fans.  Very fun ball to throw.

BJ Hines
Track Amateur Staff