I just noticed that for all 3 new balls, Rising, Kinetic and Temper, in their description on the website, there is no mention of whether they're solid, pearl, particle or combinations of any of those three characteristics. Of course, I know it's not a vital specification, but I am one who always wants to know the lowest level details. I am sure others do also.
I am also sure it has already been discussed in all the recent threads on these new balls, but I probably missed that one midst all the posts.
So, one, I'd like to know the coverstock's description for each of these balls,
(This is mostly for Carl and Rick)
I'd really like to see that detail in the website description for all balls in the future.
Thank you.
More opinion (possibly extraneous
I know Ebonite sometimes puts this detail in their website descriptions and sometimes they do not. This was also true with Track's older balls. Personally I think this is a failing and should be remedied.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."