Thanks to Keith Frye and bbridges I got hold of some telecasts from 1997 where the Heat dominated. That ball was just awesome!! Everyone was throwing it. Hoskins, Mazza, Amletto, D'Entremont.. The title match between Amletto and Hoskins was fun to watch. They both were just jumpin' all on it. Ball had such a great roll. Just hit and read so well.
Fast forward to today....
Even with today's oils, this is still a great rolling ball. With the lower flare, you can drill it strongly and get a great midlane reading ball with excellent hit on medium-medium lights. It's a testament to how far above the bar this ball was in '97 and how great a ball it still is today.
P.S. Hoskins was a force then with that Ball and a treat to watch. It's a shame that he hasn't adjusted to the current conditions and wasn't able to become exempt :-(
Anthony Chapman
Track International Staff
Turbo Grips 2-N-1 Staff