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Author Topic: Need some help  (Read 679 times)


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Need some help
« on: November 25, 2005, 11:53:35 PM »
Currently building a track arsenal and have a gp2 for oil, looking
at a desert heat for dry.  Which covers both ends of the spectrum.
I would like to fill the middle void with 2 balls and Im considering
solution power plus for a light to medium oil and either an exception
or exception 5.0 for the other.  My problem being I am currently
bowling on a house where the backs are stripped but theres oil
in the middle.  Plastic ball will not hook but a roto sonic x
snaps to hard off the dry-would like something for this type of shot.
Any help appreciated.





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Re: Need some help
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2005, 08:22:31 AM »
Actually, I play my Arsenal aggressive on wild backends! It is smooth, predictable, and has tons of control IMO! Depending on the oil volume and how long the pattern is, you could use the desert heat also!
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Re: Need some help
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2005, 12:05:10 PM »

Without knowing your PAP we can't give you an exact reference on which Track balls for you to get. But based on the information you have provided with us so far, here are my thoughts on what you may could possibly get:

You need something a step down from the GP2, my opinion would be either a Rule Delta 1 or an Arsenal Reactive. If you need something smoother, I would go with what Slop suggested, an Arsenal Aggressive. Further down the chain for you, I would go with an X-Ception. A final step below the X-Ception I would get something in the Mid-Price range, such as one of the Solutions or even the Slash. As it has been told by many FASTTRACKERS on here, the Slash has been the prime quality benchmark ball. I have a Solution Power Plus EX as a step above the Desert and they compliment each other great.

Finally, I'm sure with your specs being given...that Rick, Carl, Clint, ReV-O, and Mitch will set you up on the right path as they are staffers, but many of us such as myself, Ramy (Ramtart), Chitown and others on here, know the basics behind the characteristics of each Track ball. I hope this helps you buddy, and if you have any questions, feel free to send any of us a message and we'll help you out any way we can! God Bless you and have a great week!


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Re: Need some help
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2005, 12:32:09 PM »
Hi Bill,

Slopsurprise and Mike gave you some great suggestions and I echo the same type of advice. Without knowing your Positive Axis Point and other stats, we can wait on the layout advice till you have those available =)

As for now, you give all of us a great idea of what you're looking for. You mention that you are trying to find that "Happy Medium" *pun intended. Ok, so you have a GP2 for "The Soup," and planning to get a Desert Heat for the dry stuff.

My problem being I am currently
bowling on a house where the backs are stripped but theres oil
in the middle. Plastic ball will not hook but a roto sonic x
snaps to hard off the dry-would like something for this type of shot.
Any help appreciated.

Ok, you have many options here. If you want a "benchmark type ball," many of us on here have expressed that the Slash or even the Arsenal Aggressive. The Slash will cover a wide range of Medium Type conditions and can handle some heavier patterns if laid out correctly and with the correct cover preparation. I have a Slash and I bought one just to combat "stripped backends." Rick (tenpinspro), put a coat of Clean N' Polish on it and this did the trick. It smoothened out the backend reaction on real clean snappy backends.

Arsenal Aggressive - Staffers Anthony (achappy) and Clint (clintdaley) love this ball as well as BR member Slopsurprise, because of it's smooth reacting properties. This is a lighter load particle ball. With a particle ball, you can get it to read the Oil a little earlier, but have a controlled backend as well.

These two balls may help you get the traction you need for the oil in the middle of the lane and a tame reaction in the backend to stay around the pocket when the backends are real clean/dry/snappy.

Sorry I rambled on...hehe. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask anyone on here =)

Best Regards,
M.C. Rammer
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Edited on 11/26/2005 1:24 PM


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Re: Need some help
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2005, 01:43:49 PM »
I would choose the slash and xception.  The slash is a solid that can handle med/heavy and the xception if drilled correct can cover med to light oil.  Drill the salsh for control and the xception to play deep.