The guy that drilled it is evidently not familiar with Track's assymetrical balls.
Moving the pin out towards PAP that far will cause the ball to go longer and with that MB placement is will take forever to migrate.
In my opinion he just ruined the ball or at least didn't drill it to gain any benefit from the strong mass bias, just my opinion though.
If you have little roll whether he was refering to revs or spin/excess tilt this is drilled the opposite of what you would need.
MB placements close to the track give the ball more length, a slow response to dry and they retain tilt longer.
Track's assymetricals retain almost full flare when drilled with the pin at longer distance from PAP (5.5") and they say for the most length you should move the pin closer to PAP than leverage to reduce flare.
STORM's unofficial FAQ sectionEdited on 1/8/2006 1:51 PM