This post is about a friend of mine that I bowl with and do his drilling for him. We bowled together in the ASSBT/Arkansas Senior Scratch Bowling Tour on Saturday in Maumelle, AR at Millennium Bowl. His last four games with the Track 930T were 300, 268, 290, 258=1116 858 for the three game. He also shot 300 with a 505T the last game Wednesday night for our 1st night of league, which was a post bowl for our Tuesday night league. He also used a 715A yesterday in the Bowlers Advantage Tournament and shoots 300 in match play then a 279! Jim Kruse has been on a tear the last few weeks and I'm happy for him cause he just lost his mother three weeks ago!!! I told him his mom is riding on his shoulders and helping him out. She was one of his biggest fans and loved to watch him bowl!! Great bowling my friend, Bruce
"Train a child up in the way they should go and when they are old they will "Get MOTIVated, go Global with an Awesome MFer
, and not turn from it and become a bowling VISIONARY who sees a striking future.
Bruce Campbell
USBC Bronze Certified Coach
IBPSIA Certified Technician
Originator of the -35deg x 25 leverage drilling!