quote:I thought that if I were to place the pin above the finger line that the ball would have more backend than if I placed the pin below the finger line?
quote: Now if I buy another one( which I will) and order it with a 3"- 4" pin out and place the pin above the ring or bridge will this ball have even more backend?
quote:Another point is my Delta 1 not only has the pin below the ring but the MB is below and about 2.5" right of the thumb. If I buy one and place the pin above the ring and the MB 1" right of the thumb will this ball backend even more? Or is this just to close of a drill layout too notice a difference?
quote:Oh I almost forgot. If you drill the pin above the finger line does a person have to drill an x-hole to make the core taller? I wouldn't think so but this is what Tracks drill layout suggest's