Week 1 (Oct.01) - Avg. 214 = 642 - shot: 201 + 194 + 172 total: 567 = -75
Balls used:Unleashed,Ars Reactive and Solution EX
Been sick
Week 2 (Oct.08) - Avg. 214 = 642 - shot: 257 + 172 + 197 total: 626 = -16
Balls used:Rule Delta 1 (polished) and Arsenal Reactive
Week 3 (Oct.15) - Avg. 213 = 639 - shot: 211 + 234 + 170 total: 615 = -24
Balls used:Arsenal Angular
This is at 9pm and we follow a cap league....every week is an adventure...
Week 4 (Oct.22) - Avg. 212 = 636 - shot: 300 + 213 + 188 total: 701 = +65
Balls used:Solution Power Plus and Arsenal Reactive
Running Total after 4 weeks -50
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
Track Intl. - Amateur/Pro Shop Staff
Vise Inserts Staff
www.Trackbowling.comwww.startabowlingrevolution.com*El Presidente of the Track Revolution
Edited on 10/6/2005 11:49 AM
Edited on 10/15/2005 5:07 AM
Edited on 10/19/2005 6:55 AM
Edited on 10/28/2005 3:10 AM