Week 1 (Oct.5) - Avg. 207 = 621 - shot: 205 + 235 + 203 total: 643 = + 22
Balls used: Triple Threat
Week 2 (Oct.12) - Avg. 207 = 621 - shot: 206 + 214 + 278 total: 698 = + 77
Balls used: Xception - Front 7 , left the 4/7, sheet. Would have been my first 3...damn!
Week 3 (Oct.19) - Avg. 210 = 630 - shot: 250 + 245 + 219 total: 714 = + 84
Balls used: Xception - quickly becoming my favorite ball!
Week 4 (Oct.26) - Avg. 213 = 639 - shot: 239 + 195 + 207 total: 641 = + 2
Balls used: Xception - Triple Threat.
Bowling Services Unlimited
www.bsuproshops.comVise Inserts Staff
Edited on 10/14/2005 9:40 PM
Edited on 10/20/2005 1:31 PM
Edited on 10/28/2005 1:12 PM