I think the average weight block weighs about five pounds if I remember correctly.
Walter, I haven't seen many people posting on here about how there Track balls have "died". Here is the honest truth about the balls I have drilled. Three Tempers, no decrease in performance over 100 plus games on each. Three Kinetics, one has seemed to tame down over time, was the first ball I drilled, has 300 games on it and a Track that is burned white from bowling practice on bad wood. Any companies ball under these circumstances would be beat up. Three KE, the first one I drilled has tamed down a tad, again, lots of games, bas wood, track is beat up. Three Rising, no issues. The balls that seem to be tamed down are still solid pieces and the ball track is so beat up, I think that it is an issue of not having a fresh coverstock contacting the lane versus ball death theory. I have nothing to gain from lying to you about this, this is just what I have seen and I have drilled a lot of balls this past year. I still bring balls with 150 games on it to tournaments and league because they still deliver results.
Louis Franzetti
Track Regional Staff Member