Well I guess I will be the one to tell you not! Lol
After being at the Ebonite plant, going through the manufacturing process and really seeing how the different companies are being handled. They really are four differnt companies. Even though they are being made in the same facility and on same lines. Ebonite has a very complex facility for producing all four brands.
Each brand has it's own signature for ball reactions "Track Skid/Flip as to Columbia rolls early". The brand manager then decides what each ball will do performance wise within the brand signature as well as color combination. Each company has there own cores and cover stock formualations and they don't cross between brands.
As far as a light oil ball i don't think we will see one for while if we do. Fig is focused on developing high performance balls with the latest in core/cover technology.
Rick Guined
Track Regional Staff Player
Vise PBA Regional Staff Player
www.trackbowling.comEdited on 8/6/2008 5:52 PM