I bowled my first three game set with the Uprising last night. Two men team on wooden lanes. Fresh THS with medium volume of oil.
I purchased the ball used from Nods, and it had very few games on it and is still in oob finish, drilled about 4 x 4
With my PAP, the ball comes very close to tracking over the thumbhole.
First game I shot 170, trying to play the track area, down and in at 7 or 8. Managed to string 3 in a row, but the ball is just too strong for me to play it down and in. It got through the heads fine, but made a very angular turn left off the dry. Not really over under, just a strong, angular roll.
Second game, I moved further right, tried to over power the ball to keep it right of the headpinshot and shot a dismal 144. No can do. Too much dry early, erratic responses, and the ball burnt out.
Last game, moved inside with left foot lined up on 25, swung 15 out to 8, the ball came alive and I shot a clean 249. Left a ringing 10 in the 8th, or the score would have been 269. I really couldn't miss swinging the ball, as long as I kept my speed up and stayed firm with the shot. The ball looked awesome once I got lined up. Carry is phenomenal. Much better than my Kinetic or Temper.
I did notice that the ball tracked up faster than usual on wooden lanes. I cleaned it with power wash after the set, but there was still a very well defined track mark. From a long term perspective, I am a little concerned about how the cover will hold up,especially playing it on wood. I guess time will tell.
To me, this is the best ball Track has put out, at least since the power machine.
Those that can do. Those that can''t complain. Pimpin ain''t easy, but it''s mandatory.
Most things we like, we don''t need. Most things we need, we don''t like. Don''t confuse your likes with your needs.