What Scoot did not mention about the lane in that video is that it is our normal 44ft house pattern(after league use) and I grabbed the "old mop" and added 35ft more oil in the middle of the lane(10 board to 30 board). So there was alot of oil in the heads and midlane and carrydown from about 10 board in.
The outsides were pretty dry, thus the reason the Phoenix rolled really quick when I got it outside early. With the Phoenix I had a much better look keeping the ball in the oil. In watching the video you will see that the EQ^2 was sent more to the right and finished harder off of the dry. These balls are drilled identically...the difference in reaction you see is based on the OOB surface preps. The Phoenix is a much smoother ball by nature but has it share of "jump" off of the dry when kept in the oil long enough, but if it gets to the dry too quick it bleeds alot of energy.....thus the reason for the half pocket hits.
The Power Machine was added to the mix to show how much deeper I had to start it inside than the EQ^2 and how hard it still finishes.
My starting point with the Phoenix was standing 28 targeting 12 down the lane. I had to move my feet to 24 and my target to 10(or 9) with the Equation. The Power Machine forced me to stand 30 and target 10 board down the lane.
Carl Hurd
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio
Track Intl.-Amateur/Pro Shop Staff
www.trackbowling.comTag Team Member #1
TAG TEAM COACHING!!!!!!/Co-Founder
Edited on 2/2/2007 2:01 PM