Thanks to some coaching by Rick and reading Rock's post I was able to view it.
Rick, are you really that short OR did AMF just put really big ballreturns, pins and lanes in that place?
On a serious note....great comparison. Just from watching Rick use the Rule and having seen him bowl in the past, I think the Rule is the "answer" for all of you that have been worried about Track's highend rolling too soon, and not having enough backend because of the strong midlane. The Rule stores energy for the backends.
Rick does not have a ton of hand, and for him to be able to play that deep and get that kind of reaction on the backends....this thing can recover, and recover strongly.
Good going Rick. Talked to Sean some, we may be putting of vids of balls soon, I will see if I can get my proprieter to put smaller ballreturns, pins and lanes in so I look bigger than I really am.

C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio
Track Advisory Staff