Hey Alex..,
I have not used the Rico drill and I am sure that the Track drillers can help you out with that one. I have a post titled Different Animal below your post and a picture of my Animal that you can take a look at and maybe get some information from it and the post. The MB and pin are in a 45 degree angle and one thing that I will point out is the CG mark is visible in the picture and it was a 3" pin before it was drilled and after drilled the CG is pushed up to about 1 1/2 under and outside of the ring finger and not in middle of my grip.
This gives for me all of the extra length and a strong ball that some people did not understand why I sanded the surface. I have had other Animals with the CG right in the middle of of my grip and pin in different locations and the balls roll real early and needs the surface shined up on most oil conditions.
I Hope this will give you some help on the way too drilling up your Animal.