I really appreciate it, I'm carry a burden this of my friends is trying find buy a car and get out of the hostile environment she is in and I'm praying for that...and another friend of mine just lost one of her close friends to suicide, so I'm definitely trying to help keep her spirits intact...and I appreciate the blessing...more and more by the day I can feel in my heart becoming closer and closer to thanks for that buddy! God Bless you! I have already determined what music is going with the Machine, but so many could fit the bill, so thanks for the suggestion buddy!
This one is truly unique buddy! C300 or Track, they are great products...about 3 months ago I had a Power Drive and Action in the arsenal, ended up selling them to 2 of my youth bowlers so I could have an all Track arsenal...You have two unique companies to choose from buddy!
The camera is coming with me today when I go to practice...the video should be up by sometime tonight! God Bless you and have a great week!
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