Well I had $70 lying in my Paypal account doin nothing, so I checked up on Ebay for something to buy. Bid on a Power Drive Sanded, but got outbid. Found this ball, read some reviews and decided why not.
I'm a med-speed, med-rev stroking lefty. I like to play down and in with my The One on more heavier conditions, but when I get my Vertigo rolling, I can bowl lights out. I usually throw down the second arrow depending on how my balls are reacting that day.
http://img47.imageshack.us/img47/2060/vertigo7ry.jpgThat's the layout on my Vertigo. My The One has the pin in a similar spot, but the MB is closer to the thumb. How do you guys think I should drill this Hex-Plosion? Pin is 2 inches, top weight 2 1/4 oz.
$66, is this ball worth it?
www.bowlingballexchange.comSaturday Youth League