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Author Topic: Well, just bought a TON of Track stuff! EMAIL HAS BEEN SENT TO ALL MEMBERS!  (Read 2448 times)


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I completed my deal with one of my distributors today. I was able to pick up 124 balls all at great prices. I had already cleaned my other 2 distributors out of Track stuff in 15# and 16#...but I was gracious enough to leave the Arsenals behind on this one(so far, thinking about ordering the rest of them soon though)

The list, completed with prices and what weights are available, will be sent to members of my website FIRST....after a period of time (probably a few days at least) the rest of the list will be opened up here as well as my shop, ebay, etc.

Mind you, this is all they had left of these once these last few are gone, they are gone forever!

If you are not a member of my site yet, go to and register. Its FREE, PLUS, you will have a chance to win a free Freak A Zoid ball including shipping to you.....

The list will not be displayed HERE or any other site UNTIL at least next if they only had 1 or 2 of the ball you are looking for in your weight (and there are some where they only had 1 in a certain weight) you may miss your last chance to get one.

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460

Track Pro Shop staff

Edited on 6/28/2006 5:18 PM



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Clint, when will the list be sent out to members?

I will be waiting patiently for my email!

"The Revolution" has begun!!!


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Erin and I have a list of the balls ordered..we need to decide on a price and then thats pretty much it...HOWEVER, we will not know any specs until the balls arrive...some tomorrow..some not till it is incomplete from that stance right now....and I am sure all of you will want to know what we exactly have concerning specs...

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460

Track Pro Shop staff


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Any 14# weights Clint?
"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"

Sir Bowl-A-Lot

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I'm still holding my breath until I win the Track Ball-A-Day Giveaway.  I'm turning pretty blue in the face.  
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I did not get any Arsenals..but they have LOTS available...I can order some if necessary...

Brick, I should have some 14# Slashes and Heats...but that is all they had in 14#...

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460

Track Pro Shop staff


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Geez, I'm too lazy to get on any list.  I'll wait around a week and if there's a 16lb NIB Mutant and Hex I'll buy it.
Respect the Game


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Theres lots of 16# stuff, but no Mutants or Hexes.....

Email should be going to all members tonight IF Erin and I can input all of the new members that signed up today and load everything up to go!

By the way, there are the following:

1-15# Crash
5-16# Crashes
14-16# Solutions
16-16# Solution Exs
6-15# FAZs
35-16# FAZs
1-16# Thrash
4-14# Heats
4-16# Heats
4-14# Slashes
1-15# Slash
3-16# Blue Heats
3-15# 5.0s
3-16# Xceptions
20-15# GP2s
2-16# Sheer Havocs

Could be more...and I am still deciding on the Arsenals as well.....they have 4-15# Aggressives, 5-15# Angulars, 18-16# Angulars, 22-15# Reactives, and 4-16# Reactives...didn't buy any right now as they had them listed as the same price as the Gp2s, 5.0s, why would you not buy the more expensive ball?

NO BALL OVER $100....most will be in the $70-85 range, and you will receive discounts for buying more than 1. You will add actual shipping to your total as well.


Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460

Track Pro Shop staff

Edited on 6/27/2006 7:50 PM


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Do that include drilling and grips?
Have Fun while You Can!!!!


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Prices do not include drilling...I can add for additrions $20 which includes grips and slug.

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460

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I apoligize for not having the list out wife wanted to go out with some friends last night, which she almost never does, so I said sure and we would do everything when she got home. Well, when she got home, Erin was not feeling so hot...and we had lots of new members who signed up yesterday to input, so we decided to wait till today. Well, today, Erin wakes up tossing her cookies and everything that goes with that...and now she is in the hospital....I am home from being a stockbroker watching the kids.....hopefully I can get everything done!

By the way...those Arsenals I did not buy yesterday...well...I bought most of them another 30 balls...

AND BRICK....I ordered 3 more 14# balls today.......

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460

Track Pro Shop staff


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I ordered the following today:

4-15# Arsenal Aggressives
9-15# Arsenal Angulars
6-16# Arsenal Angulars
6-15# Arsenal Reactives
2-16# Arsenal Reactives
2-14# Rules Deltas
1-14# Thrash

The reason why I did not originally order any Arsenals is for the following reasons:
1. The best price they could do was the same price as the GP2s, 5.0s, Xceptions....
2. When you can get GP2s for the same price, why order an Aggressive (same weights in both, 15# only) and the Reactives....they were a bunch more than the FAZs..and quite honestly, they are similar (reactive, low rg) and the guys at my center will strictly look at price...but I only had some 15# 5.0s, and only a couple, so I really didn't have anything like the I took the plunge!

and...for some reason, they sent me Storm Flash Floods in 14# as well...I have not figured that one out yet as they know I do not carry Storm stuff and when you order 120 Track balls....why send some Storms...but oh well....they will be available as well.

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460

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By the way, I have added all the new emails received yesterday. As soon as I find where Erin saved the spreadsheet with the prices from yesterday and add the new stuff, we are in business!

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460

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yes...that is wrong...but so is being left handed, and I still drill for I GUESS I can let some symmetrical stuff go....

Just kidding on both!

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460

Track Pro Shop staff