I find them misleading.
My Freak-A-Zoid is a MONSTER and they suggest that it's not overly strong.
I was expecting more from the Xception 5.0 (hook and length rating are the same as the original Rule but the backend rating is higher). The Xception 5.0 didn't live up to my expectations in comparison to the Rule. It doesn't handle as much oil, and it's pretty squirty on med/heavy oil. It doesn't turn the corner as hard as I was hoping. I still believe the Rule and Xception are a better 1-2 punch vs. the Xception 5.0 and Xception.
Also, the Rule Delta 1's hook rating is less than the Xception 5.0 but it's SOOOOO much more aggressive in terms of overall hook. It's length rating is 4.5 vs. the Xception 5.0's length rating of 5.0. My Delta is much earlier.
My Xception is pretty close to my Freak-A-Zoid in terms of oil handling capabilities and amount of overall hook (the Freak-A-Zoid is maybe 1-3 boards weaker). I don't agree with the hook rating on these balls, but the length and backend rating seem to be reasonable.
I really don't like the hook rating, the backend rating, and I don't understand how they come up with their length rating. I find the specs to be misleading.
Evolutionary. Revolutionary.