I personally think that some of this has to do with what the market wants. I remember a few years back when everyone wanted arcy particle equipment. Then everyone realized that as the lanes dried up, those sorts of balls don't work, so they go to a reactive ball. Now it seems as if everyone is wanting really really strong reactives that give a ton of backend. Smokin inferno, the one, road hawg, action packed...etc. The bad thing about these balls is that they will never handle as much oil as say the rule gp2. They handle med-heavy oil to medium oil. Track currently does not have a ball to compare to these. For example, a friend on our friday night league has both the xception, the robo rule, and the paradigm. The paradigm has as much length as the xception with more backend, and the robo covers as many boards as the paradigm, but earlier rolling. This is just what the market wants. It will change. Eventually people will realize how lane specific these really snappy balls are, and move on to something else. They also have a lot of asymm balls, and there are a lot of strong feelings about assym balls from folks.
The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on BallReviews.com do not necessarily state or reflect those of the BallReviews.com.