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Author Topic: What new Track balls are you thowing and what do you think?  (Read 11015 times)


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What new Track balls are you thowing and what do you think?
« on: August 29, 2013, 03:29:05 PM »
Drilled a 706T and a 910A

The shot usually has a lot of oil volume and length but I did not see the norm last night. I threw them both. Fresh shot and there were crisp back ends. Then we had a lot of carry down. The 706T was very strong throughout the lane as I thought it would be. It set up nice in the mids and had a strong roll in the back. I ran out of lane in the 3rd game and threw the 910. VERY easy length, very defined change of direction and roll. They both hit hard but probably were not the right pieces meaning too strong for that shot. The 920T is the read ball and I never took it out.



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Re: What new Track balls are you thowing and what do you think?
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2013, 04:00:27 PM »
Not throwing any, but I am looking to hear some feedback on the 300C since BTM drooled all over it in their review. Looks like a ball that would be perfect for our THS as I need something to react smooth and get thru the heads clean


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Re: What new Track balls are you thowing and what do you think?
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2013, 04:14:38 PM »
505 c2.  pretty jumpy and inconsistent.  not a big fan
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Re: What new Track balls are you thowing and what do you think?
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2013, 04:23:47 PM »
Ive seen both in action, both look promising.  For track the 910 is finally a highend polished pearl ball that seems to be really awesome work be usuable on ths.  Great shelf appeal helps..too bad fagan wont be throwing this would sell sell sell! The 706t looks pretty predictable...everyones crazy about the 300c, big scores coming from that one...

I bet you gotta get some games on that 505C2..itll get better with age...just like the 505c! Trust it!
In the bag [Infinite Physix, Volatility Torque, Night Road, Phaze III, Burner Solid, Hustle AU]
*Now Testing* IQ Ruby, Renevant, another IQ Tour solid
Coming soon...???

Coach Bonesaw

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Re: What new Track balls are you thowing and what do you think?
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2013, 07:44:55 PM »
811CT. Very continuous. Probably the best ball I've ever thrown.
In the bag:

Roto Grip Magic Gem
Motiv Primal Shock
Hammer Ocean Vibe


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Re: What new Track balls are you thowing and what do you think?
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2013, 11:29:07 PM »
Surface tweaks may be all you need to fine tune the look and match up.

I love this equipment, but too many times I find myself struggling because I have the wrong ball in my hands and I'm trying to make it work. You have to be sharp with ball choices. It helps to know the differences between the A T and C roll shapes. You have to have and use a read ball and adjust from there. 


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Re: What new Track balls are you thowing and what do you think?
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2013, 11:37:36 PM »
Well, its not new, but somewhat new to me (less than a year old). Throwing the 503T............ first ball that I have had multiple 300's with, and the first time I've had 2 300's in the same year. Had one in July in a tourney, and had one tonight in our second night of league.

Love how it rolls, reacts, and hits. Just one of those balls that lines up for me; haven't seen a lot of people use them, but for me, its more than paid for itself!
Reax-45x4.5x40(pin down)
Nexus (original)- 45 x 4 x 35 (pin up)
Source-60 x 5.5 x 50
Nexxxus f(p+s)-70x5.5x35
Marauder-55x5x50 (2k+polish)
300t-60x5.5x50 (+polish)
Melee-75x6x40 -- Anyone want to buy this?


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Re: What new Track balls are you thowing and what do you think?
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2013, 02:03:46 PM »
Well, its not new, but somewhat new to me (less than a year old). Throwing the 503T............ first ball that I have had multiple 300's with, and the first time I've had 2 300's in the same year. Had one in July in a tourney, and had one tonight in our second night of league.

Love how it rolls, reacts, and hits. Just one of those balls that lines up for me; haven't seen a lot of people use them, but for me, its more than paid for itself!

Funny, last night bowled in league. Shot 300 with this ball; first ball I've ever had multiple 300's with, and its the first time I've had 2 300's in the same year.
Reax-45x4.5x40(pin down)
Nexus (original)- 45 x 4 x 35 (pin up)
Source-60 x 5.5 x 50
Nexxxus f(p+s)-70x5.5x35
Marauder-55x5x50 (2k+polish)
300t-60x5.5x50 (+polish)
Melee-75x6x40 -- Anyone want to buy this?


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Re: What new Track balls are you thowing and what do you think?
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2013, 02:24:40 PM »
It's OK. New stuff meaning what is still for sale and the 503T fits.

Great bowling for you with that 503T...  How did you lay it out?

I have a few balls myself that I have great confidence in. I like the T balls. Gives me the ability to not worry about squirting up front and I get a smoother reaction that allows consistency. I can play straighter lines more easily and carry better when the other balls are too sharp.   


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Re: What new Track balls are you thowing and what do you think?
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2013, 04:33:36 PM »
505 c2.  pretty jumpy and inconsistent.  not a big fan

how do you have this drilled and what surface
I have not seen this reaction what-so-ever


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Re: What new Track balls are you thowing and what do you think?
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2013, 09:44:15 AM »

Drilled something close to 50 x 4 x 45.... don't have the exact specs/numbers on me, but its within that range. Had actually altered the surface after having to plug the thumb and shorten my span. Couldn't get it quite back to where it was pre-plug, but its close. Hit it with 2k abralon and then some Motiv scuff polish by hand.

The T series rolls well for me; if there is some midlane oil, I can use the ball. Its response to friction is second to none; when its too jumpy I ball down to my 716c. Also have the 508a, but we didn't drill it correctly so I took the surface up to 4k, black magic polish, then xxx polish. Needless to say, its my dry lane/spare ball now.

Like the new stuff from Track, all but their 900 series. Everything below is good for me.
Reax-45x4.5x40(pin down)
Nexus (original)- 45 x 4 x 35 (pin up)
Source-60 x 5.5 x 50
Nexxxus f(p+s)-70x5.5x35
Marauder-55x5x50 (2k+polish)
300t-60x5.5x50 (+polish)
Melee-75x6x40 -- Anyone want to buy this?


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Re: What new Track balls are you thowing and what do you think?
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2013, 01:30:41 PM »
The 9 series balls don't necessarily mean heavy oil. I find that the surfaces need to be tweaked to match up. A lot of people try to throw them when they may not be the correct ball meaning too aggressive or too much ball for the shot or vice-versa. Most house shots do not have enough volume of oil to throw the 912T so people who try to throw it will say it sucks. The 920T comes 4000K which is a great ball for most house shots but on higher volumes, no. The 706T out hooks that ball with it's more aggressive cover and surface. The 916AT was a very touchy cover. That ball @2K dull hooked too early up front. Worked best 2K XXX polish or 3K X polish. I loved the angularity and the hit and carry was phenomenal. This 910A comes 1500 polished. It goes long. Some may think too long so you may need to take off the polish and readjust the cover. That ball has a wicked change of direction. Some people match up better with the cores of the 5 and 7 series. The 503T has a 1K, 2K dull cover. That is some surface..   


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Re: What new Track balls are you thowing and what do you think?
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2013, 10:27:32 AM »

Correct, though they do "represent" the cutting edge of Track industries.... I just haven't had success with the 9 series balls, though I have only used the 920t.

I have had the 920t, 716c, 503t, and 508a. Got rid of the 920 when I dropped to 15lb instead of 16. Wasn't a bad ball, but wasn't as strong as I thought it would be in the beginning (it did find a spot in my bag though). I still use the other 3 balls, but seem to match up best with the 503t. The 508a is okay for THS, but the mids need to be almost gone for it to roll well (that and I have it at 4k, with xxx polish). Wanted something longer and smooth, this ball fits the bill.

If I can get an 811c/t on disco, I will; liked the look and continuation of that ball. Same with the 300 series (A and C).
Reax-45x4.5x40(pin down)
Nexus (original)- 45 x 4 x 35 (pin up)
Source-60 x 5.5 x 50
Nexxxus f(p+s)-70x5.5x35
Marauder-55x5x50 (2k+polish)
300t-60x5.5x50 (+polish)
Melee-75x6x40 -- Anyone want to buy this?


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What new Track balls are you thowing and what do you think?
« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2013, 10:32:49 PM »

The ball is a lot stronger then I thought it would be on the league shot and never stopped moving once it started up just past the arrows.

The 505c2 never had any quit to it and I left a few 9 pins and 4 pins from being a little high in the pocket. I did not have that easy down and in motion that I had expected. 

It was just a continued slight moving of the ball left through the whole lane as it went down to the pins. It is still in OOB condition so I will try it again to see if it just did not match up that night or if the ball is just stronger then I thought it would be.

lifted rillo

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Re: What new Track balls are you thowing and what do you think?
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2013, 09:12:56 AM »
I won a 503A back in February and am finally going to get it punched up in the next few weeks. Hoping it will be a good later-in-the-night ball once everyone has moved in to throw over the gutter with charcoal.