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Author Topic: What new Track balls are you thowing and what do you think?  (Read 11013 times)


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What new Track balls are you thowing and what do you think?
« on: August 29, 2013, 03:29:05 PM »
Drilled a 706T and a 910A

The shot usually has a lot of oil volume and length but I did not see the norm last night. I threw them both. Fresh shot and there were crisp back ends. Then we had a lot of carry down. The 706T was very strong throughout the lane as I thought it would be. It set up nice in the mids and had a strong roll in the back. I ran out of lane in the 3rd game and threw the 910. VERY easy length, very defined change of direction and roll. They both hit hard but probably were not the right pieces meaning too strong for that shot. The 920T is the read ball and I never took it out.



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Re: What new Track balls are you thowing and what do you think?
« Reply #31 on: February 04, 2014, 12:21:16 PM »
Track Spare
300C (Used for spares)
910A(Benchmark,main ball on my leagues)

The lower series balls never did it for me, which is why my 300C is currently my spare ball.

Bought the 910A at the end of last year for a tournament and fell in love.
Havent put it away since. Had a lot of great games with it in my local house.
Clean through the front, nice hard move on the backend and a lot of power.

920A was my go-to backup ball when the 910A wasn't working. Reads a little earlier than the 910A, grabs the lane hard and doesn't stop.

930T i only threw a few games with, its a lighter ball than i'm used to throwing and it really screws my timing and release up. From what i've used though it reads earlier than the A series, and has a decent hook that I just couldn't use.

Just bought the Lx16 last week and wow.
Easily my new benchmark. Reads earlier than the A series, but when it hits the dry it is goodnight for the pins. Most aggressive ball I've seen from Track by quite a bit. Really lets me open the lanes up (Medium-high speed/ medium revs, which is why the lower series balls are a handicap to me), which is something I've been missing and it feels good to have in my arsenal.
Track Arsenal:
Track Spare


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Re: What new Track balls are you thowing and what do you think?
« Reply #32 on: February 04, 2014, 02:00:45 PM »
300a which is also my spare ball.  If there is oil out there i moves about an inch, but if it is dry I have been having really good luck.