1. I wipe off oil after each frame
2. I clean my balls before the get back into the bag
3. I do the hot water bath (which I "invented"

.. meaning I came up with the idea by myself)
4... well not really but will do it now... will take the surface to the duller state before the hot water is applied
But... I think I'll let the ball that way cause my soild particle is working.
the hook potential is for the MAchine and the C+ the same just that the Machine is going longer and then stronger than the C+
I think now that I had some time that I will try to take advantage of that lenght of the ball and the "tremendous" backend cause when the ball hit it had such a mighty impact.... wow.
the C+ is my smooth roller and the Machine my ball for the drier lanes when the C+ burns up too soon.
on the other hand the smoother MAchine was so versatile I could play it all night long... just slick lanes were not good... strange but that's how I experienced it... let it be too warm and humidity too high the ball skidded too far. That's why I got my the C+
Had one already. Great ball on med with carrydown and slick oil as it is a roller... and that ball showed a skid/snap liike behaviour, too.
And that is leading me to the point that I say... I play too strong and attacked the lanes wrong.
I'll take a pad with me and then I can test the ball and still scuff it up if needed.
The Machine was a big winner for me and I am sure it will be as soon as I am uised to it's new powers

Sebastian Koch
"Have fun and bowl well!" - Grayson "Some things are made so even idiots won't fail using them.... But I ask what about the genius?" - Grayson (\_/)
Unoffical Ballreviews.com FAQ
Hot Water Bath - instructions and experience
Bowling lessons and tips VIDEOS - VERY GOOD!