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Author Topic: What to do?  (Read 742 times)


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What to do?
« on: April 06, 2005, 11:17:59 AM »
Hi everyone,

I am looking for some advice from the track experts here about a replacement ball for my Animal Untamed. The ball is currently drilled with the pin under the fingers.  See this link for a pic -->

I love the ball but I am having serious problems with the shell cracking around the finger holes to the point where the ball is going to be unusable to me.  I have had the ball repaired twice and each time the spiral cracks around the fingers get wider and the area is now too big to repair according to my ball driller.

Anyway, if you would check my profile for information about my game and please let me know what ball you think would be a good equivalent to the AU.

Thanks in advance for the help!




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Re: What to do?
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2005, 07:55:02 PM »
I did not know that the AU was completely gone yet. I know the shops I go to around here still have some. Why not just buy another one if you liked it, unless you are worried about the fingers cracking again. If not take a look at the Arsenal Aggresive which will go longer but still hook about the same and possibly stronger or look at the slash, which will probably hook about the same but be much smoother. I'd let some of the great Track reps answer this though, they know there stuff.
-If you're not willing to change, you're not willing to improve.

-Life is like a coin, you can spend it any way you want, but you can only spend it once.

-I will forever love this great game, I love the people and the competition, I only wish the best would get the recognition of an ATHLETE that they deserve.

Edited on 4/6/2005 7:49 PM

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2005, 09:35:24 PM »
Core numbers and everything aside, the closest reaction in Track's current line to the Animal Untamed (FOR ME) is the Rule. It does not roll quite as early unless drilled to do so, but it will cover relatively the same number of boards. A Rule drilled similiar to your Untamed would be the closest. The Arsenal Aggressive will roll up a little bit sooner but it too will be close to the Untamed. I would choose the Rule simply because it is asymmetrical.

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Re: What to do?
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2005, 10:38:50 PM »
Thanks to everyone for the replies, it helps to get this information.

Hex - I am worried about having the same problem with another AU, I do not consider that an option.  

I am looking for similar reaction, so it seems the Rule and Arsenal Aggressive would be the best choices to get a similar reaction?

For me the AU is my second most hooking ball, but is very predictable. It rolls earlier than all my other balls except the Mutant.  I use it for most medium to medium-oily shots (it even handles carry down fairly well).

Thanks again for the replies,

Edited on 4/6/2005 10:33 PM